Commonly used Chinese Herbs
Pharmaceutical Herbal Name (English) | Pin Yin | Chinese |
Ginseng , | 人 參 | |
raw astragulus | (huang qi) | 黃耆 |
Rhmannia glutinosa(Gdertn) Iibosch.ex Fisch. et Mey | 地黃 | |
Angelica sinensis |
(dang gui) | 當歸 |
Ophiopogon japonicus (L.f.) Ker-Gawl. mai dong (remove core) | 麥冬 (去 心), | |
Clematis armandii Franch. |
(mu tong) | 木 通 |
Radix Platycodi | ( jie geng) | 桔 梗 |
Radix Rehmanniae | (shu di huang), | 熟地 |
Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. |
(chuang xiong) | 川 芎 |
Lycium chinense | 枸 杞 | |
tetrapanacis medulla | (tōng cǎo) | 通草 |
Saponaria vaccaris Host. /Semen Vaccariae / Vaccaria segetalis (Neck.) Garcke | ( wang bu liu xing) | 王不留行 |
wú zhǐ máo táo gen | 五指毛桃根 |
Radix Codonopsitis Pilosulae |
dang shen | 黨参 |
Radix astragali | (huang qi ) | 黃耆 |
Folium artemisiae argyi | (ai ye) | 艾葉 |
Semen Cuscutae Chinensis | (tu si zi) | 菟絲子 |
Cortex Eucommiae Ulmoidis |
(du zhong) | 杜仲 |
Colla Corrii Asini |
E JIAO | 阿 膠 |
Herba Taxilli; Ramulus |
Sangjisheng |
桑寄生 |
Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae | (shao yao / bai shao yao/chi shao yao ) | 白芍; 白芍藥 ; 赤芍藥 |
atractylodes |
(báizhú) | 白术, 白朮, |
bupleurum |
(cháihú), | 柴胡, |
cinnamon and cinnamon bark |
(guìzhī) | 桂枝 |
cinnamon twigs | (ròuguì) | 肉桂 |
coptis |
(huánglián), | 黄莲, 黃蓮, |
ginger | ( jiāng) | 姜, 薑, |
hoelen | (fúlíng) | 茯苓 |
ephedra sinica | (máhuáng) | 麻黄, 麻黃, |
peony (white: and reddish: ) | (báisháo/chìsháo) | 白芍/赤芍, |
licorice | (gāncǎo) | 甘草 |
rhubarb | ( dàhuáng) | 大黃, |
salvia |
( dānshēn) | 丹参, 丹參, |
In traditional Chinese culture, qì (also chi or ch'i) is an active principle forming part of any living thing. Qi is frequently translated as life energy, lifeforce, or energy flow. Notions in the west of energeia, élan vital, or vitalism are purported to be similar. Qi is the central underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts. The literal translation of "qi" is breath, air, or gas.
The use of ginseng (人参) is well over two thousand years old in
Chinese medicine. Ginseng contains ginsenosides. The amount of
ginsenosides in ginseng depends on how the plant was cultivated and the
age of the root. Wild ginseng is rare and commands the highest prices on
the market, but most ginseng on the market today is a reasonable price.
Red Panax ginseng is the most popular form of ginseng and it is usually
packaged as a liquid or tea. Ginseng comes in two kinds, red and white.
The color of the ginseng depends on how it is processed. White ginseng
is unprocessed and dries naturally. Red ginseng is processed with steam
and is believed to be more effective. Native Americans have used
American ginseng for dry coughs, constipation and fevers.
TCM Information: Species: Panax ginseng. Pinyin: Ren Shen. Common
Name: Chinese Ginseng. Quality: Sweet, Bitter, Warm. Meridians: Lung,
Spleen, Heart. Actions: Tonifies yuan qi to treat collapse of qi, tonify
spleen and lung, generates fluids, mildly tonifies heart qi.
Species: Elutherococcus senticosus. Pinyin: Ci Wu Jia. Common Name:
Siberian Ginseng. Quality: Pungent(Acrid), Slightly bitter, Warm.
Meridians: Spleen, Heart, Kidney. Actions: Tonify spleen and kidney,
mildly tonify heart qi, promote blood circulation, calm shen.
Species: Panax quinquefolius. Pinyin: Xi Yang Shen. Common Name:
American Ginseng. Quality: Sweet, Slightly bitter, Cold. Meridians:
Heart, Kidney, Lung. Actions: Tonify lung and spleen qi, tonify lung
yin, cools fire from lung yin deficiency, generates fluids.
Main article: Medicinal mushrooms
Mushrooms have long been used as a medicinal food and as a tea in
Chinese herbology. Clinical, animal, and cellular research has shown
mushrooms may be able to up-regulate aspects of the immune system. Notable mushrooms used in Chinese herbology include Reishi and Shiitake.
Wolfberry (枸杞子)
is grown in the Far East and is grown from shrubs with long vines. The
shrubs are covered with small trumpet-shaped flowers, which turn into
small, bright red berries. The berries are usually fresh and sometimes
used when it is dried.
TCM Information: Species: Lycium barbarum. Pinyin: Gou Qi Zi. Common
Name: Chinese Wolfberry. Quality: Sweet, Neutral. Meridians: Liver,
Lung, Kidney. Actions: Tonifies kidney and lung yin, tonifies liver
blood, tonifies jing, improves vision.
Dang Gui
Dang Gui (当归, Angelica sinensis or "female ginseng") is an aromatic herb that grows in China, Korea and Japan.
TCM Information: Species: Angelica sinensis. Pinyin: Dang Gui. Common
Name: Chinese Angelica Root. Quality: Sweet, Pungent(Acrid), Warm.
Meridians: Liver, Heart, Spleen. Actions: Tonify blood, invigorate
blood, regulate menstruation, relieve pain, unblock bowels by moistening
Astragalus (黄耆) is a root used for immune deficiencies and allergies.
TCM Information: Species: Astragalus membranaceus. Pinyin: Huang Qi.
Common Name: Astragalus Root, Milkvetch Root. Quality: Sweet, Slightly
warm. Meridians: Lung, Spleen. Actions: Raise yang qi to treat prolapse,
tonify spleen and lung qi, tonify wei qi, increases urination, promotes
drainage of pus, generates flesh.
Atractylodes (白术) is believed to be important in the treatment of digestive disorders and problems of moisture accumulation.
TCM Information: Species: Atractylodes lancea. Pinyin: Cang Zhu.
Common Name: Atractylodes Rhizome. Quality: Pungent(Acrid), Bitter,
Warm. Meridians: Spleen, Stomach. Actions: Strong to dry dampness,
strengthens the spleen, induce sweating, expel wind-cold, clears
damp-heat from lower jiao, improves vision.
(柴胡) is believed to be useful for the treatment of liver diseases, skin
ailments, arthritis, menopausal syndrome, withdrawal from
corticosteroid use, nephritis, stress-induced ulcers, and mental
TCM Information: Species: Bupleurnum chinense. Pinyin: Chai Hu.
Common Name: Hare's Ear Root. Quality: Bitter, Pungent(Acrid), Cool.
Meridians: Gallbladder, Liver, Pericardium, San Jiao. Actions: Treats
alternating chills and fever, clears lesser yang disorders, relieves
liver qi stagnation, raises yang qi to treat prolapse, treats certain
menstrual disorders.
Cinnamon (桂枝, 肉桂) or mostly known as gui zhi and rou gui are twigs and bark from large tropical trees.
Studies show that cinnamon reduces serum glucose, triglyceride, LDL
cholesterol, and total cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes and
the findings suggest that the inclusion of cinnamon in the diet of
people with type 2 diabetes will reduce risk factors associated with
diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
TCM Information: Species: Cinnamomum cassia. Pinyin: Gui Zhi. Common
Name: Cinnamon Twig. Quality: Pungent(Acrid), Sweet, Warm. Meridians:
Heart, Lung, Bladder. Actions: Induce sweating, warms and unblocks
channels, unblocks yang qi of the chest, treats dysmenorrhea.
Species: Cinnamomum cassia. Pinyin: Rou Gui. Common Name: Cinnamon
Bark. Quality: Pungent(Acrid), Sweet, Hot. Meridians: Heart, Kidney,
Liver, Spleen. Actions: Tonifies kidney yang, leads fire back to its
source, disperse cold, encourages generation of qi and blood, promotes
blood circulation, alleviate pain due to cold, dysmenorrhea.
Coptis chinensis
Coptis chinensis (黄莲) is a rhizome that is one of the bitterest herbs used in Chinese medicine.
TCM Information: Species: Coptis chinensis. Pinyin: Huang Lian.
Common Name: Coptis Rhizome. Qualities: Bitter, Cold. Meridians: Heart,
Large Intestine, Liver, Stomach. Actions: Clears heat and drains damp,
drains fire(especially from heart and stomach), eliminates toxicity.
Ginger (干姜, 乾薑) is a herb and a spice that is used in Chinese cuisine. Commonly used to treat nausea.
TCM Information: Species: Zingiber officinalis. Pinyin: Sheng Jiang.
Common Name: Fresh Ginger Rhizome. Quality: Pungent(Acrid), Slightly
warm. Meridians: Lung, Spleen, Stomach. Actions: Release the exterior,
expel cold, warm the middle jiao, relieve nausea, transform phlegm, warm
lung to stop coughing, treat toxicity, and moderate the toxicity of
other herbs.
Species: Zingiber officinalis. Pinyin: Gan Jiang. Common Name: Dried
Ginger Rhizome. Quality: Pungent(Acrid), Hot. Meridians: Heart, Lung,
Spleen, Stomach. Actions: Warms the spleen and stomach, restores
devastated yang, warms the lung to transform thin mucus, warms and
unblocks channels.
The use of licorice(甘草) is thought to help treat hepatitis, sore throat, and muscle spasms.
TCM Information: Species: Glycyrrhiza inflata or Glycyrrhiza glabra.
Pinyin: Gan Cao. Common Name: Licorice Root. Quality: Sweet, Neutral.
Meridians: All 12 channels, but mainly Heart, Lung, Spleen, Stomach.
Actions: Tonify spleen qi, moisten lung for dry cough, clears heat and
fire toxicity, tonifies heart qi to regulate pulse, alleviates spasmodic
pain, antidote for toxicity, moderates the effects of harsh herbs.
Ephedra (麻黄) is a stimulant herb.
TCM Information: Species: Ephedra sinica or Ephedra intermedia.
Pinyin: Ma Huang. Common Name: Ephedra Stem. Quality: Pungent(Acrid),
Slightly Bitter, Warm. Meridians: Lung, Bladder. Actions: Induce
sweating and release exterior for wind-cold invasion with no sweating,
promotes urination, move lung qi for wheezing, cough or asthma.
Peony (白芍, 赤芍) comes in two varieties: bai shao(white) and chi shao (red), the root of the plant is used in both varieties.
TCM Information: Species: Paeonia lactiflora. Pinyin: Bai Shao.
Common Name: White Peony Root. Quality: Bitter, Sour, Cool. Meridians:
Liver, Spleen. Actions: Tonify liver blood, calms liver yang, alleviates
flank/abdominal pain from liver qi stagnation or liver and spleen
disharmony, preserves yin and adjusts nutritive and protective levels,
regulates menses for blood deficiency problem.
Species: Paeonia lactiflora or Paeonia veitchii. Pinyin: Chi Shao.
Common Name: Red Peony Root. Quality: Sour, Bitter, Cool. Meridians:
Liver, Spleen. Actions: Clears heat, cools blood, invigorates blood and
dispel stasis to treat irregular menses, dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhea,
abdominal pain, and fixed abdominal masses.
Rehmannia (地黄) is a root where the dark, moist part of the herb is used.
TCM Information: Species: Rehmannia glucinosa. Pinyin: Sheng Di
Huang. Common Name: Chinese Foxglove Root. Qualities: Sweet, Bitter,
Cold. Meridians: Heart, Kidney, Liver. Actions: Clear heat, cool blood,
nourish yin, generate fluids, treats wasting and thirsting disorder.
Species: Rehmannia glucinosa. Pinyin: Shu Di Huang. Common Name:
Chinese Foxglove Root Prepared with Wine. Qualities: Sweet, Slightly
warm. Meridians: Heart, Kidney, Liver. Actions: Tonify blood, tonify
liver and kidney yin, treats wasting and thirsting disorder, nourishes
Rhubarb (大黄) is a large root and was once one of the first herbs that was imported from China.
TCM Information: Species: Rheum palmatum, Rheum ranguticum, or Rheum
officinale. Pinyin: Da Huang. Common Name: Rhubarb Root and Rhizome.
Quality: Bitter, Cold. Meridians: Heart, Large Intestine, Liver,
Stomach. Actions: Purge accumulation, cool blood, invigorate blood,
drain damp-heat.
Salvia (丹参) are the deep roots of the Chinese sage plant.
TCM Information: Species: Salvia miltiorrhiza. Pinyin: Dan Shen.
Common Name: Salvia Root. Qualities: Bitter, Cool. Meridians: Heart,
Pericardium, Liver. Actions: Invigorate blood, tonify blood, regulate
menstruation, clear heat and soothe irritability.
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50 fundamental herbs
In Chinese herbology, there are 50 "fundamental" herbs, as given in the reference text,] although these herbs are not universally recognized as such in other texts. The herbs are:Binomial nomenclature | Chinese name | English Common Name (when available) |
Agastache rugosa | huò xiāng (藿香) | Korean Mint |
Alangium chinense | bā jiǎo fēng (八角枫) | Chinese Alangium Root |
Anemone chinensis (syn. Pulsatilla chinensis) | bái tóu weng (白头翁) | Chinese anemone |
Anisodus tanguticus | shān làng dàng (山莨菪) | |
Ardisia japonica | zǐ jīn niú (紫金牛) | Marlberry |
Aster tataricus | zǐ wǎn (紫菀) | Tatar aster, Tartar aster |
Astragalus propinquus (syn. Astragalus membranaceus) | huáng qí (黄芪) or běi qí (北芪) | Chinese astragalus |
Camellia sinensis | chá shù (茶树) or chá yè (茶叶) | Tea Plant |
Cannabis sativa | dà má (大麻) | Cannabis |
Carthamus tinctorius | hóng huā (红花) | Safflower |
Cinnamomum cassia | ròu gùi (肉桂) | Cassia, Chinese Cinnamon |
Cissampelos pareira | xí shēng téng (锡生藤) or (亞乎奴) | Velvet leaf |
Coptis chinensis | duǎn è huáng lián (短萼黄连) | Chinese Goldthread |
Corydalis ambigua | yán hú suǒ (延胡索) | Fumewort |
Croton tiglium | bā dòu (巴豆) | Purging Croton |
Daphne genkwa | yuán huā (芫花) | Lilac Dahpne |
Datura metel | yáng jīn huā (洋金花) | Devil's Trumpet |
Datura stramonium (syn. Datura tatula)[124] | zǐ huā màn tuó luó (紫花曼陀萝) | Jimson Weed |
Dendrobium nobile | shí hú (石斛) or shí hú lán (石斛兰) | Noble Dendrobium |
Dichroa febrifuga | cháng shān (常山) | Blue Evergreen Hydrangea, Chinese Quinine |
Ephedra sinica | cǎo má huáng (草麻黄) | Chinese ephedra |
Eucommia ulmoides | dù zhòng (杜仲) | Hardy rubber tree |
Euphorbia pekinensis | dà jǐ (大戟) | Peking spurge |
Flueggea suffruticosa (formerly Securinega suffruticosa) | yī yè qiū (一叶秋) | |
Forsythia suspensa | liánqiào (连翘) | Weeping Forsythia |
Gentiana loureiroi | dì dīng (地丁) | |
Gleditsia sinensis | zào jiá (皂荚) | Chinese Honeylocust |
Glycyrrhiza uralensis | gān cǎo (甘草)[128] | Licorice |
Hydnocarpus anthelminticus (syn. H. anthelminthica) | dà fēng zǐ (大风子) | Chaulmoogra tree |
Ilex purpurea | dōngqīng (冬青) | Purple Holly |
Leonurus japonicus | yì mǔ cǎo (益母草) | Chinese motherwort |
Ligusticum wallichii | chuān xiōng (川芎) | Szechuan lovage |
Lobelia chinensis | bàn biān lián (半边莲) | Creeping Lobelia |
Phellodendron amurense | huáng bǎi (黄柏) | Amur cork tree |
Platycladus orientalis (formerly Thuja orientalis) | cèbǎi (侧柏) | Chinese Arborvitae |
Pseudolarix amabilis | jīn qián sōng (金钱松) | Golden Larch |
Psilopeganum sinense | shān má huáng (山麻黄) | Naked rue |
Pueraria lobata | gé gēn (葛根) | Kudzu |
Rauwolfia serpentina | shégēnmù (蛇根木), cóng shégēnmù (從蛇根木) or yìndù shé mù (印度蛇木) | Sarpagandha, Indian Snakeroot |
Rehmannia glutinosa | dìhuáng (地黄) or gān dìhuáng (干地黄)[130] | Chinese Foxglove |
Rheum officinale | yào yòng dà huáng (药用大黄) | Chinese or Eastern rhubarb |
Rhododendron tsinghaiense | Qīng hǎi dù juān (青海杜鹃) | |
Saussurea costus | yún mù xiāng (云木香) | Costus |
Schisandra chinensis | wǔ wèi zi (五味子) | Chinese Magnolia Vine |
Scutellaria baicalensis | huáng qín (黄芩) | Baikal Skullcap |
Stemona tuberosa | bǎi bù (百部) | |
Stephania tetrandra | fáng jǐ (防己) | Stephania Root |
Styphnolobium japonicum (formerly Sophora japonica) | huái (槐), huái shù (槐树), or huái huā (槐花) | Pagoda Tree |
Trichosanthes kirilowii | guā lóu (栝楼) | Chinese Cucumber |
Wikstroemia indica | liǎo gē wáng (了哥王) | Indian stringbush |
Other Chinese herbs
In addition to the above, many other Chinese herbs and other substances are in common use, and these include:- Akebia quinata (木通)
- Arisaema cum bile[131] (胆南星)
- Arsenic trioxide (砒霜)
- Arsenolite (砒石)
- Aspongopus (九香虫)
- Asteriscus pseudosciaenae (鱼脑石)
- Benzoinum (安息香)
- Bombyx batryticatus (僵蚕)
- Bulbus fritillariae cirrhosae (川贝母)
- Bulbus fritillariae hupehensis (湖北贝母)
- Bulbus fritillariae pallidiflorae (伊贝母)
- Bulbus fritillariae thunbergii (浙贝母)
- Bulbus fritillariae ussuriensis (平贝母)
- Bulbus lycoridis radiatae (石蒜)
- Cacumen securinegae suffruticosae (叶底珠)
- Cacumen tamaricis (西河柳)
- Calamina (炉甘石)
- Calculus bovis (牛黄)
- Calculus equi (马宝)
- Calomelas (轻粉)
- Calyx seu fructus physalis (锦灯笼)
- Caulis ampelopsis brevipedunculae (山葡萄)
- Caulis aristolochiae manshuriensis (关木通)
- Caulis bambusae in taeniam (竹茹)
- Caulis clematidis armandii (川木通)
- Caulis entadae (过江龙)
- Caulis erycibes (丁公藤)
- Caulis et folium piperis hancei (山蒟)
- Caulis et folium schefflerae arboricolae (七叶莲)
- Caulis euphorbiae antiquori (火殃勒)
- Caulis fibraureae (黄藤)
- Caulis gneti (买麻藤)
- Caulis hederae sinensis (常春藤)
- Caulis impatientis (透骨草)
- Caulis lonicerae (忍冬藤)
- Caulis mahoniae (功劳木)
- Caulis perillae (紫苏梗)
- Caulis piperis kadsurae (海风藤)
- Caulis polygoni multiflori (首乌藤)
- Caulis sargentodoxae (大血藤)
- Caulis sinomenii (青风藤)
- Caulis spatholobi (鸡血藤)
- Caulis tinosporae (宽根藤)
- Caulis trachelospermi (络石藤)
- Cera chinensis (虫白蜡)
- Chenpi (Sun-Dried tangerine (Mandarin) peel) (陳皮)
- Cinnabaris (朱砂)
- Clematis (威灵仙)
- Colla corii asini (阿胶)
- Concha arcae (瓦楞子)
- Concha haliotidis (石决明)
- Concha margaritifera usta (珍珠母)
- Concha mauritiae arabicae (紫贝齿)
- Concha meretricis seu cyclinae (蛤壳)
- Concretio silicea bambusae (天竺黄)
- Cordyceps sinensis (冬虫夏草)
- Corium erinacei seu hemiechianus (刺猬皮)
- Cornu bubali (水牛角)
- Cornu cervi (鹿角)
- Cornu cervi degelatinatum (鹿角霜)
- Cornu cervi pantotrichum (鹿茸)
- Cornu saigae tataricae (羚羊角)
- Cortex acanthopanacis (五加皮)
- Cortex ailanthi (椿皮)
- Cortex albiziae (合欢皮)
- Cortex cinchonae (金鸡纳皮)
- Cortex dictamni (白鲜皮)
- Curcuma (郁金)
- Dalbergia odorifera (降香)
- Hirudo medicinalis (水蛭)
- Myrrh (没药)
- Olibanum (乳香)
- Persicaria (桃仁)
- Polygonum (虎杖)
- Sparganium (三棱)
- Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria) (莪朮)
Below are some samples of Chinese Herbs Formulaes used during confinements in order to promote the supply of breast milk , (in case of breast feeding); pregnancy nausea; and to prevent miscarriage. They are for your reference only. For more details please consult your Chinese Physical Specialist to see if they suit your body and to apply adjustments needed accordingly
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下乳 催乳 (Promoting Mother's Milk Formula)
《 傅青主女科 》 卷下。
【主治】產後 氣虛 兼 血虛 血虛,乳汁不下。(下乳)
人 參 30克,
生黃 耆 30克,
當歸 60克(酒洗),
麥冬 15克(去 心),
木 通 0.9克,
桔 梗 0.9克 ,
七孔豬蹄 2個 (去爪殼) 水煎服。
二劑乳如泉涌。 傅青主指 出缺乳主要是產後氣血虛衰所致。通 乳丹補 血益氣以下乳。即“氣旺則乳汁旺,氣衰則乳汁衰”之意也。較之一般單純利竅通乳,而忽略了補氣血的治療方法療效要好。傅氏指出:“世人不知大補氣血之妙, 而一味通乳,豈知無氣則乳無以化,無血則乳無以生,不幾向飢人而乞食,貧人而索金乎 ”!
催乳湯 《醫學集成》卷三。
Name of Formula:
tong ru dan (source: Fu Qing Zhu Gynaecology)
Application: qixu (qi deficient) and xue xu (blood deficient) after giving birth. Lack of milk.
Ginseng 30g,
raw astragulus, (huang qi) 30g,
Angelica sinensis (dang gui) 60g (wash with rice wine),
Rhmannia glutinosa(Gdertn) Iibosch.ex Fisch. et Mey.
Ophiopogon japonicus (L.f.) Ker-Gawl. (mai dong) 15 g (remove core),
Clematis armandii Franch. (mu tong) 0.9 g,
Radix Platycodi ( jie geng) 0.9 g.
Add two pig feet and water to make soup.
方二 :
【組成】黃 耆,熟地黃 各 24克 人參,當 歸 各15克 , 川 芎,枸 杞,通草,王不留行 各 6克
【功用】益氣養血,通絡催乳。 注意: 關木通對腎臟有毒。 不可用 關木通。 如果不能确定 。可以不用。
Name of formula:
cui ru tang (milk promoting soup)
astragulus (huang qi),Radix Rehmanniae (shu di huang), 24 g each,Ginseng (ren shen),Angelica sinensis (dang gui), 15 g each,Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort. (chuang xiong),Lycium chinense (qi zi),tetrapanacis medulla tong cao,Semen Vaccariae / Saponaria vaccaris Host.( wang bu liu xing) 6 g.
Make into soup. Use as soup.
Another formula:
Radix Fici simplicissimae (wu zhi mao tao) 60 g.
Make stew with pig feet. Use with meals
Also see a milk promoting herb , a commonly used herb in southern part of China.
Warning: do not use guan mu tong. Guan mu tong (Aristolochiae Manshuriensis or Aristolochia debilis) which is toxic to kidneys. If not sure, do not use mu tong.
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Pregnancy Nausea 懷孕作嘔
Nausea is common during
early stages of pregnancy. It usually lasts for about three months but
some women may still have them into fourth or fifth month of pregnancy.
Pregnant women without morning sickness have more than double the incidences of miscarriage than those with morning sickness.
Some studies show that 10% of those without morning sickness had
miscarriage while those with morning sickness had 4% of miscarriage.
One of the formula can be used:
Formula 1:
Taking 1 to 2 grams of pickled ginger (ginger soaked in vinegar), 3 times per day may help relieve nausea.
Pickled ginger is available in Chinese or Japanese grocery stores or make it yourself at home.
Formula 2:
Radix Codonopsitis Pilosulae (dang shen) 9 g,
Radix Angelicae sinensis (dang gui) 9 g,
Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (bai zhu ) 9 g,
Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae (bai shao) 12 g,
Sclerotium Poriae Cocos (fu ling ) 12 g,
Citrus /Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae (chen pi) 6 g,
Medicata Fermentita Fujianensis Massa (liu shen qu) 12 g,
Fructus Amomi (sha ren) 3 g
to be added to the pot during last 5 minutes of cooking,
Giner (jiang )
Adjustment of formula﹕
- flatulence﹕subtract Radix Codonopsitis Pilosulae (dang shen) , and add Herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi (huo xiang)﹐ Radix Aucklandiae (mu xiang) ﹐Cyperus Rhizome (xiang fu zi )
- palpitation﹕ add Semen Zizyphi Spinosae ( suan zao ren) Radix Plygalae Tenuifoliae(yuan zhi) .
- weakness with pain in the loin﹕add Cortex Eucommiae Ulmoidis(du zhong) , Radix astragali (huang qi) .
- heat is high﹕ add Rhizoma Coptidis (huang lian)
- coldness is serious﹕ add Rhizoma zingiberis officinalis (sheng jiang)
- vomiting is serious : add Terra Flava Usta fu long gan
Add 1,200 cc of water. Simmer down to 400 cc and drink while warm
fu long gan is the dry clay under the old fashion straw burning stove.
Effectiveness: 55 patients, all healed in 13 days. Among them 4.5% healed in 6 days.
Source of formula: Li Shao-hua of Long Hua Hospital of Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medical School.
可以用酸薑減低作嘔情形。用法﹕每次吃1~ 2 克﹐每天三次。
黨 參9克,
白 朮9克,
白 芍12克,
半 夏9克.
- 若上腹部脹滿﹕去 黨 參﹐加 藿香﹐ 木 香 ﹐ 香附 子
- 若心悸失眠﹕ 加 酸棗 仁 ﹐ 遠志﹐
- 若體虛腰酸﹕加 杜仲﹐黃 耆
- 若熱盛﹕ 加 黃蓮
- 若寒盛﹕ 加 生 薑
- 若劇烈嘔吐﹐加入伏龍肝
臨床療效﹕55 例患者﹐ 經過治療﹐13 天內全部治癒。其中6天內治癒者﹐佔 4. 5%。
處方來源﹕ 上海中醫學院﹐附屬龍華醫院﹐李少華。
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Threatened Abortion / Threatened Miscarriage/Prevention of Miscarriage
A threatened miscarriage / threatened abortion is a condition of pregnancy, occurring before the 20th week of gestation, that suggests potential of miscarriage. Approximately
20% of pregnant women experience some vaginal bleeding, with or without
abdominal cramping, during the first trimester. This is known as a
threatened abortion. However, most of these pregnancies go on to term
with or without treatment. Spontaneous abortion occurs in less than 30%
of the women who experience vaginal bleeding.
Name of Formula: threatened miscarriage drinks (gu shen an tai) yin
Radix astragali (huang qi) 13 g,
Radix Codonopsitis Pilosulae (dang shen) 13 g,
Folium artemisiae argyi (chao ai ye) 3 g,
Semen Cuscutae Chinensis (tu si zi 9 g,
licorice (gan cao) 5.5 g,
Radix Rehmanniae (shu di huang) 13 g,
Dipsaci Radix (chuan duan) 9 g,
Radix Boehmeriae Niveae (zhu ma gen) 11 g,
Cortex Eucommiae Ulmoidis (du zhong) 9 g,
Colla Corrii Asini(e jiao) 9 g(to be added to strained decoction),
Herba Taxilli; Ramulus Sangjisheng (sang ji sheng) 9 g,
Angelica sinensis(dang gui) 9 g,
Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae (bai shao) 9 g.
Boil all the herb, except e jiao, with about 1200 c.c. of water. Simmer for 45 minutes and render down to about 320 c.c. (a serving size) .
Note: e jiao should be put into warm cup and pour the boiling decoction into the cup. Stir to dissolve the e jiao. Cover the cup for 10 minutes before drinking.
Adjustment of Formula:
- If the condition is yinxu (yin deficient) with heat: take out Folium artemisiae argyi (chao ai ye) and add Herba ecliptae ( han lian cao) 9g.
- If external injury is the inducing cause (secondary cause), add Fructus Amomi (sha ren)3 g
"yin" refers to fluid of the body.
Clinical symptoms of yinxu as below:Red face, hot body, prefer cool, uneasiness, dry and cracked lips, dark red tongue with yellow fur, or even with cracks, or black and with spurs, loose teeth, premature white hair, tinnitus, weak and sore knees and lower back.
確定懷孕後,陰道有少量出血,或伴有腰酸、腹脹墜痛者,即可診斷先兆流產。多數發生在妊娠二十周內。如果妊娠試驗 由陽性轉為陰性, 說明已經流產。
黄芪 13 克,
黨参 13 克,
艾葉炭 3 克,
菟絲子 9克,
甘 草 5.5 克,
生地黄 12 克,
川 断 9 克,
苧麻根 12 克,
杜仲 9 克,
阿膠 9 克 (另包,冲服),
桑寄生 9 克,
當歸 9 克,
白芍 9 克.
如 陰虛血熱者去 炒 艾葉炭, 加 旱莲草9 克;
如有外傷誘因加砂 仁 3 克
察固腎 安胎飲配合西藥治療早期先兆流產腎虛的療效。
方法: 將確診為早期妊娠已出現陰道出血的54例先兆流產患者隨機分為治療組30例和對照組24例,兩組均在監測血清絨毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)和孕酮(P)水平 的情況下,治療組給予固腎安胎飲配合西藥治療,對照組採用單純西藥治療,對比觀察臨床療效。
結果:治療組愈顯率為83.3%,對照組愈顯率為54.1%。 兩組比較,差異有顯著性(P<0.05)。HCG、P值低於正常孕期的,治療組10例流產率為10%,對照組9例流產率為55.6%。兩組比較,差 異有顯 著性 (P<0.05)。治療後 HCG、P上升與同孕期相符的,治療組明顯高於對照組(P<0.05)。
結論:固腎安胎飲配合西藥治療對於提高早期先 兆流產血清HCG、P水平及臨床愈顯率均優於單純西藥治療。
方法: 將確診為早期妊娠已出現陰道出血的54例先兆流產患者隨機分為治療組30例和對照組24例,兩組均在監測血清絨毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)和孕酮(P)水平 的情況下,治療組給予固腎安胎飲配合西藥治療,對照組採用單純西藥治療,對比觀察臨床療效。
結果:治療組愈顯率為83.3%,對照組愈顯率為54.1%。 兩組比較,差異有顯著性(P<0.05)。HCG、P值低於正常孕期的,治療組10例流產率為10%,對照組9例流產率為55.6%。兩組比較,差 異有顯 著性 (P<0.05)。治療後 HCG、P上升與同孕期相符的,治療組明顯高於對照組(P<0.05)。
結論:固腎安胎飲配合西藥治療對於提高早期先 兆流產血清HCG、P水平及臨床愈顯率均優於單純西藥治療。
絨毛膜促性腺激素(HCG) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin: brands include A.P.L.®, Chorex®, Novarel®, Ovidrel®, Pregnyl®, Profasi®).
孕酮 progesterone :
- A steroid hormone, C21H30O2, secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovary and by the placenta, that acts to prepare the uterus for implantation of the fertilized ovum, to maintain pregnancy, and to promote development of the mammary glands.
- A drug prepared from natural or synthetic progesterone, used in the prevention of miscarriage, in the treatment of menstrual disorders, and as a constituent of some oral contraceptives. *