Prepare yourself for Baby's arrival with the help of this handy, personalized checklist. You can come back to it throughout your pregnancy and Baby's first six months so you'll always know what needs to be done, and when you need to do it. Start checking things off your list today!
Your First Trimester Tasks
Month 1
- Time to share the good news with your partner!
- Find out what to expect from the first trimester.
- Learn what's in store for the first four weeks of pregnancy.
- If you aren't already, begin taking folic acid each day.
- Start keeping track of name ideas for Baby in your online Name Basket.
- Begin researching hospitals.
- Choose your OB-GYN or midwife.
- Schedule your first prenatal visit. .
- Get to know the basics of fetal development.
- Figure out your due date.
- Stop smoking, drinking, and cut back on caffeine. Know what's safe and what isn't during pregnancy.
- Begin a pregnancy journal.
- Connect with other women who are due the same month you are.
Month 2
- Learn what to expect during weeks five through eight. .
- Do Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. .
- Start eating a healthy and nutritious prenatal diet. ...
- Fight pregnancy anxiety and first trimester fears....
- Find out which prenatal tests you may need. ...
- Know your optimal pregnancy weight range. ...
- Manage gas, the urge to urinate, and other uncomfortable early pregnancy symptoms. ...
- Take steps to minimize your morning sickness. ...
Month 3
- Learn what to expect during weeks nine through 12 of pregnancy.
- Is your bra suddenly uncomfortable? Shop for a new bra and learn about pregnancy breast changes.
- Start a safe prenatal exercise routine.
- Speak with your doctor about getting the flu shot.
- Know what to expect from early screening tests.
- Involve your partner in your pregnancy.
- Time to share the good news with your friends!
- Find out if you're having twins (and if you are, plan accordingly).
- Schedule a prenatal massage!
- Manage pregnancy mood swings.
- Stay hydrated! Get your new water intake quota.
- Stock up on moisturizer and pamper your pregnancy skin.
Your Second Trimester Tasks
Month 4
- Find out what's in store for you in the second trimester.
- Learn what to expect during weeks 13 through 16.
- Revise your budget to make room for baby.
- Start shopping for maternity clothes.
- Sign up now for childbirth classes—slots fill up fast!
- Want to get away? Plan a babymoon!
- Take baby's first picture—the ultrasound!
- Find a sleep set up that's comfortable and interpret wild pregnancy dreams.
- If you're RH negative, it's time to ask your doctor about a RhoGam shot.
- Take pictures of your growing belly.
- Help him be a better dad—look into parenting classes for him.
Month 5
- Find out what to expect during weeks 17 through 20 of pregnancy.
- Time to tell your employer and update yourself on your company's maternity leave policy.
- Figure out how much childcare you'll need, and start researching your options.
- Decide whether you want to find out your baby's gender now or let it be a surprise.
- If you haven't had one lately, schedule a regular dental checkup.
- Your libido may be back in full force. Get comfortable with sex during pregnancy.
- Treat pregnancy heartburn whenever it flares up.
- Is baby moving? Know what to expect from baby's first kicks!
- Try prenatal yoga for a mind-body workout.
- Have a heart-to-heart about pregnancy and parenthood with your partner.
- Prepare for your group B strep test.
- Tired of nosy questions from strangers and friends? Master the art of the clever comeback!
- Take steps to minimize pregnancy brain. .
- Have a shower coming up? Register for Baby!
Month 6
- See what to expect during weeks 21 through 24 of pregnancy.
- Check your vision. Pregnancy vision changes are common, and can be a sign of complications.
- Know how to manage varicose veins.
- Get comfortable with your rapidly changing body and boost your self-esteem.
- Take a time-out to pamper yourself! .
- Time to start preparing your nursery.
- Tend to pregnancy back aches.
- Start working out the details of your maternity leave now. .
Your Third Trimester Tasks
Month 7
- Learn about the third trimester.
- Find out what to expect during weeks 25 through 28 of your pregnancy.
- Do you want a doula? If the answer is yes, find one now.
- Develop your birth plan.
- Make sure you know the signs of premature labor.
- Decide who will be in the delivery room with you.
- Care for painful pregnancy hemorrhoids.
- Buy your baby's crib and mattress.
- Time to get your stroller!
- Know your cord blood banking options.
- Breast or bottle? Know all your feeding options.
- Get tested for gestational diabetes.
- Learn what your belly's size says about your baby.
- Have baby clothes and necessities ready—prepare Baby's layette.
Month 8
- See what to expect during weeks 29 through 32 of your pregnancy.
- Attend your baby shower. (And get the thank you notes out of the way as soon as possible!)
- Expecting a boy? Study up on circumcision and make sure you and your partner are on the same page.
- Put your feet up—they are working extra hard these days!
- Pack your bag—your baby will be here soon!
- Shop for and learn how to install your car seat.
- Put together a family first aid kit.
- Buy your diaper bag, and stock up on diapering essentials.
- Buy a high chair.
- Attend your childbirth class.
- Build your email/phone tree for sharing the birth of your baby!
- Have your husband check to see if he's eligible for paternity leave.
- Shop for a nursing bra.
Month 9
- Find out what to expect during the last weeks of your pregnancy.
- Study up on newborn vaccines and find out what's best for your baby.
- Talk to your doctor about Baby's position and how it may impact childbirth.
- Finalize your baby name selections.
- Pick out your baby announcements and thank you notes. (And address those envelopes now—time will be at a premium soon!)
- Buy a baby sling or baby carrier.
- Know your contractions. Recognize the differences between Braxton-Hicks contractions and true labor.
- Prepare yourself for labor and delivery.
- Wash and put away your baby's new clothes.
- Prepare for the weeks after you give birth.
- Figure out how you feel about inducing labor. Learn the pros and cons.
- Relax and enjoy the last days before delivery!
- Overdue? Know what's worked for other moms.
- Has baby arrived? Update your BabyZone profile!
