60 Minutes The Baby Lab
Outtakes from a psychology professor s lab in which children had to choose between fairness and chocolate
Yale psychology professor Paul Bloom tells Lesley Stahl about a population of humans who have less empathy and are more likely to be violent. Can you guess who they are?
Psychology professor Paul Bloom tells Lesley Stahl that babies innate morality is focused on their families and those who are similar to them but enlightened humans learn to expand their moral circle.
Paul Bloom a professor of psychology at Yale University tells Lesley Stahl that babies show different levels of moral response but their environments can nurture compassion or slam it shut.
Born good? Babies help unlock the origins of morality
Can infants tell right from wrong? And if so, how would you know? Come to Yale's baby lab. Lesley Stahl reports.
Outtakes from a psychology professor s lab in which children had to choose between fairness and chocolate
Is there a "morality gene"?
Yale psychology professor Paul Bloom tells Lesley Stahl about a population of humans who have less empathy and are more likely to be violent. Can you guess who they are?
Psychology professor Paul Bloom tells Lesley Stahl that babies innate morality is focused on their families and those who are similar to them but enlightened humans learn to expand their moral circle.
Paul Bloom a professor of psychology at Yale University tells Lesley Stahl that babies show different levels of moral response but their environments can nurture compassion or slam it shut.

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