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懷孕,每一位女性最期待、最渴盼的幸福時光,擁有一生中最驕傲、最美麗的曲線。 當獲知自己體內有一個小生命開始孕育的那個時刻起,一種由衷而生的激情,一種莊嚴神聖的感覺便會湧上心頭。從此,心頭上有了一份牽掛,生活中有了一種希冀。從此,身體的每一根神經都牽掛于那個在肚子裡慢慢成長的神奇生命。懷孕女人的內心,驚喜和驚愕同在 — 驚喜于一個生命的到來,驚愕于對自己身體的無知。在這美麗動人的 40 周歷程中,相伴准媽媽的不僅是將為人母的喜悅和驕傲,還有很多麻煩和疑慮時時在困擾。怎樣輕鬆、平安、順利地走過孕育小寶貝的生命歷程?這是每一位將為人母者所迫切想知道的。嬌姐伴隨准媽媽從妊娠第一周到最後一周。告訴准媽媽自身的變化、胎兒的生長髮育、准媽媽的日常飲食營養以及在生活中應該注意的事項,全方位細心呵護准媽媽和寶寶一起成長的每一天,伴隨准媽媽和寶寶在妊娠中的每一分鐘。 嬌姐將告訴准媽媽在孕期中不知道的、想知道的、應該知道的一切,打消您在孕育過程中的全部顧慮,使您輕鬆愉快地度過一段奇妙之旅。相信從懷孕到初為人母的這段經歷必將成為您一生中最美妙的回憶。 不一樣的孕育,不一樣的未來! GITZEL GIULITTE FACEBOOK 專頁,同時會有好多各形各色的資訊從中西醫護到格價 和8卦 0野睇嫁任妳選擇, 你一定唔會覺得悶呢 !.... 如果讀者對嬌姐部落格blog尚算滿意, 懇請大家高抬貴手,幫幫手按 LIKE 同時分享比你嘅朋友; 嬌姐從事陪月多年, 擁有各前僱主的推薦信,推薦信內容同時可為閣下提供愚蒙在性格特徵​​技能上的側寫作為參考,可讓閣下作出評估 ,希望取得共識和合作機會。丞蒙閣下賞識與敝人聯絡面談, 定會是敝人的榮幸 。OUR WEBSITE : http://tiny.cc/gitzelgiu PLEASE HELP AND SHARE GITZEL GIULIETTE 。 唔該晒. 嬌姐支持要求政府維護本港醫療、福利及教育資源 。 祝妳快樂!歲歲平安,安居樂業。業和邦興,興旺發達。大吉大利。遊刃有餘,青春永駐。嬌陪月團隊專線 +852-61596793 ! Start | Stop
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2013年8月1日 星期四

Stroller Talk

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When we're expecting we always want what's best for our unborn child. Soon-to-be parents become excited and eager to get what they can in preparation for the arrival of the little one. From cribs, playpens, car seats, bottles, sterilizers, strollers --we try to find out the best baby gears in the market and if we can afford the best then we go out and get them. 

Upon visiting online shopping sites, expectant mothers are provided with a not-so-shortlist of "newborn essentials" and we, especially if its our first time, will really try our very best to be able to mark each item after another off the checklist. 

Luckily,  by this time I should be able to distinguish between the "nice to haves" and the "need to haves". So I'm not easily fooled anymore.

One issue is that of strollers. Do we really need them? 

Guide to Prams


3 wheel prams vs 4 wheel prams vs Double pram options vs strollers. So many prams so how do you know which one is going to give you the best flexibility and lifestyle? The trick is to choose a pram that fits with your lifestyle so you can continue to enjoy all the things you used to enjoy with your baby.  Gitzel intended to giving you the best selection of different prams that suit different lifestyle requirements and the knwoledge to help you decide which is best for you.

Although we can give you the best advice in person, below is a starter's guide to navigating your way around the wold of prams. Come in store or call us for more info:


If you want to continue your café culture and want a pram that will help you navigate your way around café table, supermarket aisles and metro life situations  these prams do it best:
   Bugaboo cameleon pram for baby Emmaljunga nitro pram for baby Mylo pram by mamas&papas for baby
Stokke Xplory
With the seat height adjustable, your pram seat can be fixed so it sits up against a café table. So less complaints from baby as they are always included in the conversation. This pram also has a reversible seat so you can have baby facing you or facing out          
Bugaboo Cameleon
The bugaboo Cameleon pram has great small front swivel wheels makes turning and getting through tight squeezes easier than the average pram. This pram also has both a reversible handle as well as reversible seat. 
Nitro by Emmaljunga
The Emmaljunga Nitro is the most beautiful classic styled pram with swivel front wheels for easy maneuverability but a great sized seat unit to take you through. This pram also has a reversible seat and can be collapsed separately or together as one piece.  
Mylo by Mamas&Papas
This is a new launch that has taken the world by storm. It’s got all the features of a bugaboo, but has one feature the bugaboo doesn’t – you can collapse it in one piece! One twist of the wrist and its done. 
 Combi Urban Walker prestige pram stroller for baby bugaboo bee pram stroller for baby Rebel Q stroller pram by Valco for baby Urbo stroller pram by Mamas&Papas for baby
Combi range
Combi is a household name in the Japanese Baby products market – they are the leader in all things baby. The Urban Prestige and the Miracle turn are best for urban living and have reversible handles and are great for getting around tight squeezes around town. They are also super light and can be folded with one hand
Bugaboo Bee
If you wanted a smaller bugaboo, the bugaboo bee is the answer. Smaller wheels and lighter than the Cameleon – it still has a reversible seat- just doesn’t have a reversible handle or a carrycot option. It’s even smaller wheels means it can get through even tighter metro spaces  
 Rebel Q by Valco
If you love the idea of a reversible seat but didn’t want to spend ovber $700, the Valco Rebel Q is the answer. The small swivel wheels means you can manouveur yourself around tight squeezes. It also has the option of adding a toddler seat later on down the track if you happen to have two children close together in age 

Urbo by Mamas&Papas
This is another revolutionary pram launch by Mamas&Papas. It has amazing manouverability, a reversible seat and also collapses in one or separately with just as much ease. You can also use the Primo Viaggio car capsule to make it a full travel system.


If you want to continue with jogging and running or walks over non pathed areas, these prams have the suspension you need to go the distance in your active lifestyle
 Urban Jungle pram by Mountain Buggy for baby Mountain Buggy Swift pram stroller for baby phil&teds pram for baby duo combi pram by emmaljunga for baby
Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle
Mountain Buggy are one of the first companies to develop a pram for outdoorsy lifestyle and mums and dads who want to continue (or start) jogging with baby. Excellent suspension, its bigger than traditional prams but that’s the trade-off you have to make to get a great jogger pram
Mountain Buggy Swift
The Swift was introduced by Mountain Buggy as a smaller option for those who live active lifestyles but were not so much after a jogger but rather an all terrain walking pram. Its smaller than the Jungle and not as much suspension but excellent if you are planning to do a lot of brisk walking rather than jogging. It's also lightweight      
phil&teds Sport or Dash
These are the joggers that can also fit a toddler seat if you have two children close together in age. You can either have the toddler seat sitting on the top for a newborn and a toddler or sitting on the back for two toddlers. Very functional and great suspension phil&teds are the experts in prams catering for two children.                 
Duo Combi by Emmaljunga
The Emmaljunga Duo Combi is great for when you doing a lot of all terrain walking. Not so much of a jogger as the 4 wheels are structured in place (no swivel), it still has the classic Emmaljunga styling they are so famous for. All Emmaljunga prams are made in Sweden


Planning to take some short or long trips overseas or do you intend to use your pram for only small trips to the shops or friends/family’s places that involves constant in and out of the car activity? Then you probably only need a lightweight stroller. Strollers don’t have as much suspension in them and their wheels are not as rigorous – but if you only plan to use it sparingly, a stroller is the perfect solution
 well comfort stroller by Combi for baby    
Combi stroller range:
We love Combi’s light range of strollers as they have the lightest prams on the market that also still have a reversible handle so you can have baby either facing you or facing out into the world. The Well Comfort is only 4.2kg!!! As with all the Combi prams it has a one handed folding mechanism and can stand up
SilverCross stroller range
We love this range as its got more style than the Maclaren’s pram that you see on every corner. Plus it has a deeper history (The royal family have been using Silvercross prams for generations). Check out the Dazzle which also has an optional carrycot.
Valco stroller range
Valco do a large range of strollers that are unbrella style so they are nice and compact but also have a complete lyback position so you can put your newborn in it. Great quality and the prices start from $89.95.    
Urbo by Mamas&Papas
The Urbo pram is so compact when its folded and you also have choice of either collapsing the pram in one go with the seat in or seat out. It'sis the most stylish of the compact, lightweight prams with a quilted design seat and letherette handle.  These have excellent suspension also               
Bugaboo Bee Stroller
The Bugaboo Bee stroller does collapse a lot easier than its big sister and is nice and compact for putting in the car or taking travelling.  
QuickSmart Easy Fold stroller
no - the lady in the picture above is not carrying a Tonka truck - its the EasyFold stroller folded! This stroller has won many awards for its clever design. It is by far the most compact stroller for travelling 


It may or may not have been planned, but if you end up with two children, both under 4, you may need a pram that can carry both! Here are some options to choose from if that is your situation:
1.    Phil& teds pram range The entire Phil&teds range make allowances for adding an extra seat if child number 2 comes along before your first is ready to leave the pram! The great thing about these prams is that you do not have to purchase the second seat until the time comes. As a quick guide to the phil&teds pram features, they vary in their features and prices reflect that. For example, the classic is the basic model - no adjustable handle, only 2 seat varying positions, no extra cushioning. The Phil&teds Sport pram has an adjustable handle, 3 seat varying positions. The Dash is one up and it has a hand operated brake, collapses down from the top of the pram, has unlimited seat positions in the main seat and extra cushioning/liner and a plastic foot plate.
You can have a newborn and a toddler position with the toddler seat on the front or a toddler and toddler position with the seat on the back. The heaviest child always sits on the top seat

Phil& Teds
 Phil& Teds
 Phil& Teds
 Phil& Teds
2.    Emmaljunga Cerox, Nitro & Duo Combi prams
The Swedes know how to make a pram to last a lifetime! Both the Nitro and the Duo Combi can fit a toddler seat that fits onto the front of the pram where the bumber bar usually sits. At the moment this toddler seat is made by Valco especially designed to fit these models as the Emmaljunga version is not distributed in Australia.

3.    Valco Rebel Q Pram
If you like the idea of a toddler seat ona pram but didnt wnat to spend a lot, the Rebel Q pram is the one for you. The Rebel Q by Valo pram fits a toddler seta on the front of the pram. The seat also has a recline so the toddler in the top seat and teh bottom seat can sleep comfortably - although only the bottom seat with the youngest child in it will be a fully reclined seat. 

4. Prams that fit toddler boards
Most prams and strollers fit toddler boards onto teh back of their prams so if you have a toddler over age 2, who is happy to stand up on a wheeled board, thsi is also an option. G love the Kid Sit board that can be used simply as a toddler board, or can be used with the seat (included) so that your toddler can sit down. Even though there isnt a seat backing, this works really well if you plan to walk a decent distance but know that your toddler is not going to want to sleep.


The last thing to think about is whether you want to have a Car Capsule travel system to work in with your pram. There are a number of options to choose from and you dont have to limit yourself to prams that make the capsule themselves to fit their prams (not many do them and those who do usually cant get them approved to be carried in Australia).
Firstly here are the prams that make their own travel system

Peg Perego (Skate, Uno, Aria), Babylove Focus pram, Chicco Cortina

Peg Perego Skate  Chicco Cortina
These prams fit the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio capsule and all you need to do is buy the capsule and the relevant adaptors to fit the capsule on the pram:
Bugaboo, Mylo, Urbo, Phil&teds, Mountain Buggy

 The Peg Perego Primo Viaggio has the highest of safety features in the car capsule market


$1,775 (USD) Viktor & Rolf Bugaboo stroller

Posh parents with bulging bank accounts can purchase the sleek, chic and very daddy-friendly Viktor & Rolf for Bugaboo stroller for $1,775. The gray buggy, Bugaboo’s priciest yet, is actually dubbed “My First Car.” The stroller comes with sports-car style fabric and a hand-stitched handlebar.
The swank stroller says Lexus more than Lego — making it a chic design accessory for fathers who may cringe at candy colors.
“There’s a design and a brand positioning that can appeal to men,” said Vital Ledru, account manager in France for Bugaboo. “It’s all about suspensions, tire-types, braking systems — stuff dads can relate to.”
Courtesy of Bugaboo This Bugaboo stroller for parents on the go converts from wheeled to portable.
Viktor&Rolf, best known for their runway fashions and fragrances, is the latest style giant to design for the Dutch baby-mover company. Parents have gone batty for previous collaborations with Missoni, Mark Jacobs and Paul Frank.
Back in February Gwyneth Paltrow reportedly gave Beyonce and Jay-Z a pricy baby gift — a $979 Bugaboo Cameleon stroller with a dark gray base and off-white fabric.


Since I don't go out that much and when I do, I rarely take my kid out with me, the stroller was not used that often. We only used the stroller whenhe  felt like strolling around the garden and getting some sunlight which wasn't very often.


It wasn't easy to find a double stroller at that time. Mothercare was out of stock except for one umbrella double stroller. We figured if it cost the same to get a full-sized and an umbrella one, it was better to buy the full-sized stroller. On hindsight, I wish we just got the tandem Maclaren instead of this Eddie Bauer because the one we bought is too bulky! :( Although it did serve it's purpose for us. 

 I know that a stroller isn't that much of a necessity unless you plan to always go out.

With that in mind, I should stop thinking of strollers but right now I am crushing on not one, but two strollers! 

First is the Bugaboo Cameleon, which isn't the most practical stroller to buy considering it costs $979 (via amazon). Take note, there is no car seat included in that price. 
This Marc Jacobs for Bugaboo design is really cute if you're looking for a unisex stroller. 
Some Bugaboo celebrity sightings.

The second stroller I'm looking at is the Quinny Buzz 3 in the color Juice! Since almost everything I bought for our baby girl is pink, I would want her stroller (if she would have one) to be in another color. 
This is another stroller I don't think we can afford, with a price tag of $559.99 - $699.99 for the stroller + $199.99 for the dream bassinet. The car seat is Maxi Cosi $169.95, which is attachable to the Quinny stroller. 

These two strollers are very nice-to-haves, but since we don't have unlimited budget and we're preparing for the impending delivery, I think I should forget it for now. :)

Now if you're looking for a value-for-money stroller, there's always this Graco Travel System in Alano print for $164.21 (via amazon).
But right now, I'm only in search of a car seat since hospitals here in the states won't discharge newborns unless you can present them with a car seat. The nurse escorted us all the way to the car to make sure the car seat was attached to the base properly.

Baby Backpack, Sling & Front Carrier Buying Guide

Go out with your baby, the safe and comfortable way

General Information

Going out and about with your baby in a stroller is one way to go, but for increased mobility and potentially greater closeness, consider using a baby carrier, sling, or backpack that straps onto you via shoulder straps. Contraptions of this type conveniently free up both of your hands and allow for a closer physical connection between parent and baby. It is much easier to navigate stairs or crowded stores with a carrier than with a stroller. And, if you plan on hiking and camping with your child, then these would be your only choice, since strollers just won't cut it on more rugged terrain. For baby, they have the added benefit of providing a view of more than just shoes and socks and the chance for added closeness and even conversation with Mom or Dad. Here are a few things to consider when purchasing any type of backpack, front-carrier, or sling:
  • Look for a carrier that is comfortable for both you and baby. Try out the ones you're thinking of buying, rather than asking a friend for a recommendation. A carrier that fits your friend well may not fit you.
  • Carriers can be used until your baby is about 45 pounds, though you may find that they may feel too heavy and uncomfortable even before your baby reaches that weight. At that point, it's time to try a stroller.
  • Make sure your carrier is the right size for your child's size and age.
  • Beware of carriers that you cannot manipulate on your own. It's unrealistic to think that you will always have a spouse or companion with you to help get your baby in and out of the carrier.
  • If you plan on sharing the carrier with someone else (like a spouse or babysitter), make sure it adjusts to fit everybody who'll be wearing it.
  • Carriers made of fabrics that are easy to wipe clean or that can be put in the wash are best.

Front Carriers

Front carriers are made up of two shoulder straps supporting a fabric seat. They are typically designed so that your baby can ride on your chest, facing inward or outward, and have adjustable settings to help distribute your baby's weight across your back and shoulders.
  • Front carriers are good for newborns and can hold infants up to 30 pounds, though many parents find that a backpack works better once your baby exceeds 15 or 20 pounds.
  • Front carriers allow baby to face outward and see the world while still being close to you, which may be soothing and cut down on fussiness.
  • The snug fit of front carriers makes them warm, so pick one with breathable fabric that won't make baby too hot.
  • Use a carrier with well-padded shoulder and waist or hip straps to save your shoulders and back from strain.
  • Make sure your carrier has a sturdy headrest that will support a sleeping baby's neck and head and that leg holes are banded with soft fabric that won't irritate a baby's skin.
  • Find a carrier that is easy to slip on and off by yourself and that won't require you to wake baby to do so.
  • It is awkward to breastfeed a baby in a front carrier. If this is something you plan to do, you might want to consider a sling instead.


Slings are simply a wide swath of fabric that hangs across an adult's torso and is supported by one shoulder strap. They allow infants to lie in a fetal position or to face outward, and older babies may enjoy straddling the wearer's hip.
  • Slings are best for carrying newborns under 20 pounds around the house or for short distances. As infants grow, they will become cramped and uncomfortable in a sling.
  • Slings are incredibly comfortable for the wearer and allow infants to rest in a comfortable, natural sleeping position. The soft material of a sling wraps around the infant, simulating the coziness of a swaddling blanket, and the swaying motion may help them sleep.
  • Slings are the easiest type of carrier in which to breastfeed.
  • Make sure the strap of your sling is comfortable and well padded.
  • Some slings can be bulky due to the large amount of fabric they contain. Watch out for slings that have an unnecessary amount of fabric in order to cut down on some of the bulk.
  • Cotton and other breathable fabrics are best for slings, which will be warm due to baby's close proximity to the parent.


A baby backpack is similar to a backpack used for camping except that a seat for baby takes the place of a storage compartment for gear. The frame and straps will help distribute your baby's weight evenly over your shoulders and hips.
  • A baby is old enough to ride in a baby backpack when she can sit up on her own (about 5 to 6 months). Until then, it's best to stick with front-style carriers.
  • Backpacks are sometimes difficult to get on and off without help from a second person, so they may not always be convenient if you're running errands that require taking the pack on and off at each location. Practice solo loading and unloading of baby until you get the hang of it.
  • It is especially important to make sure a backpack fits correctly and is adjusted properly.
  • Look for a lightweight backpack with an adjustable inside seat and a harness that will safely strap baby in, ideally one that fits across baby's chest and shoulders.
  • Choose a model that has a stable support stand that allows you to prop it up while putting your child in or taking them out.
  • If you're planning on hiking and camping with your baby, get a backpack that comes with a protective canopy to shelter him from the elements.
  • For heavier children or for hiking, look for a model with a waist belt, which will transfer some of the weight from your shoulders to your hips.
  • A model with roomy, easy-to-access pockets for stashing baby gear will be most convenient.

Safety Tips

  • Carriers should not be used while driving, jogging, skating, or riding a bike.
  • Frame-style carriers should be used only when baby can sit unassisted.
  • When picking something up while wearing a carrier, always bend at the knees so that baby doesn't fall out.
  • Do not cook while baby is in the carrier.
  • Stay off stools and ladders while wearing a carrier.
  • Do not reach for overhead items that could fall and hit baby on the head.

The lowdown on baby carriers

You can cart your baby around town in a stroller or car seat, but many parents love the ease and incomparable feeling of closeness provided by a baby carrier. Baby carriers cuddle your child against your body while leaving your hands free, a plus for you and your child. You can move easily, navigate crowded places, and take care of daily tasks while your child snoozes or relaxes next to you.
Experts say "baby wearing" can soothe a fussy or colicky child, help lower a mom's risk for postpartum depression, and promote bonding. "We advise parents to carry their babies as much as possible, beginning right after birth," write pediatrician William Sears and his wife, registered nurse Martha Sears, in The Baby Book.
Many dads sing the praises of baby carriers because they provide the chance to spend long periods of one-on-one time with their infants. "It was both a convenience and a bonding experience," says David Ellis, a father of three. "I would put my son in the sling, and he'd cuddle up against me and sleep while I sat at my desk and worked."
Some parents only use baby carriers in the early months, finding them uncomfortable once their baby reaches 15 to 20 pounds. Other parents happily tote kids long past this point – even up to age 4. Some newer baby carriers are safe for children up to 40 pounds and make this heavy load more comfortable by putting the weight squarely on your hips rather than on your shoulders and back.

Types of baby carriers

A front carrier consists of two shoulder straps that support a fabric seat. The carrier – and therefore your baby – is worn very close to your chest. At first, your newborn will face inward, toward you.
Once your baby has good head control and can sit up, usually around 5 to 6 months, you can turn him outward to look at the world. Some front carriers can also be worn on your back, which will be more comfortable for you when your child's heavier – and will give your child a great view.
One downside to front carriers is that some don't lend themselves easily to breastfeeding while wearing your baby. Also, a front carrier may feel too big and bulky for your newborn.
A sling is a wide swath of fabric worn across your torso and over one shoulder. They come padded, unpadded, and with or without rings for adjustment. If you're breastfeeding, a sling is nice because the loose fit and generous fabric allow you to nurse your baby discreetly.
All that fabric means that slings can be cumbersome, particularly for petite women. And the one-shoulder support can quickly become uncomfortable, especially once your child weighs more than 10 to 15 pounds.
A wrap is a wide piece of fabric usually worn around your body and over both shoulders. These are popular because they're so versatile – you can wear a wrap in all kinds of configurations and easily adjust it by pulling on the fabric. Like slings, wraps can make it simple to breastfeed your baby while wearing him.
The downside is that wraps can be time-consuming and confusing to take on and off. And like slings, they aren't as comfortable for carrying bigger kids because they don't have the padding and support that front carriers offer.

What to look for when buying

Type: You may find that some carriers work better than others, depending on your body and your baby. If you can, try a few different types before buying.

Versatility: Some parents prefer a sling or wrap for their younger baby and a front carrier for an older baby or toddler. But many carriers are designed to grow with your child from infancy on. Some front carriers require a special insert for newborns.

Comfort for you: Look for wide, well-padded straps or sturdy fabric to distribute your baby's weight evenly and save your shoulders, neck, and upper back from strain. If you'll share the carrier with another parent or caregiver, make sure it's easily adjustable. Many models come in both regular and extra-large sizes for tall or plus-sized parents.

       Comfort for your baby: With front carriers, look for padded leg holes that are    loose enough not to constrict your baby's thighs – but not so loose that your baby could slip through them. Your baby will probably sleep in the carrier, so you may want one with a padded headrest to support his head and neck. With slings and wraps, make sure the fabric is soft and breathable so your baby won't overheat.

Sturdiness: Before using your front carrier, make sure the seat and straps will support your baby securely and that all buckles, snaps, and belts are durable and in good working order.

Easy to use: Make sure your carrier is easy to navigate by yourself, preferably with one hand. You'll need to be able to take it on and off and get your baby in and out without help. Some front carriers are designed to unbuckle easily so you can move your sleeping baby into a crib or stroller without waking him.

Nursing-friendly: Consider whether you'll want to breastfeed your baby while wearing him. Slings and wraps often make this easier than front carriers do.

Weather-appropriate: Some carriers may be too warm for the dog days of summer. Remember that darker colors really heat up. If you'll be carrying your baby in hot weather, choose one that's made of lighter fabric.

Easy to clean: Kids are messy, so it helps to have a machine-washable carrier.

Important safety notes

When wearing your baby, watch that she doesn't get overheated. Your baby may get too warm when she's pressed up against your body, especially on a hot and sunny day.
Front carriers "may put the baby at an increased risk of dehydration and even heat exhaustion," according to an alert in Pediatrics for Parents.
Carriers have also led to suffocation. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 14 infants suffocated in sling-style carriers over the past 20 years.
In 2010, the agency issued tips for safe babywearing, which include:
  • If your baby is younger than 4 months old, was born prematurely or at low birth weight, or has a cold or respiratory problem, consult your child's doctor before using a sling.
  • While wearing your baby in a sling or wrap, check on her often. Make sure she's not in a curled, chin-to-chest position and that her face isn't pressed up against the fabric or you. Both of these positions can lead to suffocation, which can happen within minutes.
  • Make sure you can see your baby's face or eyes in the sling and that your baby can see you. Unless you're nursing her, your baby's face should be visible (at or above the rim of your sling or wrap).
  • If you nurse your baby while wearing her, make sure that afterward you reposition her so her face is visible and at or above the rim of the sling or wrap. Her face should be away from the fabric and your body.

What it's going to cost you

Wraps and slings range in price from $30 to $65.
Front carriers run between $90 and $150, depending on the brand. More expensive models may be more comfortable for you and allow you to wear your child for more hours in the day and a longer age range. They may also have fancier fabrics or features like a sleeping hood for your baby.


 香港消委會測試多款數百元至逾萬元的嬰孩手推車,比較其使用方便程度及安全,其中一款千多元(港幣,下同)國產嬰兒車整體評分最高,反而逾萬元的產 品則在摺合、搬動等方面的評分平平,未見突出。消委會亦發現有4款產品沒加設附加安全鎖,未符合較嚴謹的歐洲安全標準。有家長表示,選嬰兒車時較着重輕 便,或會忽略車身安全鎖裝置。
  千元車易搬抬操控 舒適度高
  消委會在最新一期《選擇》月刊比較22款本地有售的嬰孩手推車,包括可分拆車架及座椅的組合嬰孩車、一般手推車及手推雙人車等。測試以手推車日 常使用、操控及摺合等項目作比較,並為各項評分(5分滿分),結果發現,一款中國製造、售價1790元的Maclaren嬰孩手推車評分最高,獲4.5 分,該產品摺合後車身輕盈,易於搬動或抬起,其操控及舒適程度亦獲至少4分。
  歐洲要求附加鎖 美無規定
  記者15日到百貨公司及嬰兒用品店查詢,發現該4款產品未有陳列出售,職員亦不知道何謂附加安全鎖及歐洲標準。有家長表示沒留意車身安全標準, 常帶7個月大的女兒外出的胡太表示,選擇手推車時以輕便為主,平日摺合車身時“就這樣摺”,沒留意有否加鎖,亦不知道安全標準有“歐美之分”。

家長為寶貝子女購買嬰孩手推車時,首選當然是符合國際認可的產品,惟本港未有採用較高規格的安全標準,令家長難以選擇。消委會與國際消費者研究及試驗組 織,於去年及今年測試本港市面上二十二款嬰孩手推車樣本,發現四款樣本沒設附加安全鎖,有機會令手推車突然摺合釀成意外,有關產品雖不符合歐洲標準要求, 但因符合美國相關的安全標準,在港出售不屬違法。消委會已將聲稱符合美國材料及試驗學會標準的型號交由海關跟進,海關證實全部符合本港法例要求。


四款未有附加安全鎖的樣本品牌型號分別是「Graco」Citi Lite R、「Aprica」Laura 700 4WF、「Combi」Miracle Turn Premier及「Baby Star」M2108,產品雖聲稱符合美國材料及試驗學會標準,但測試發現其摺合設計上只有一個主鎖,未有附加後備安全鎖,容易因主鎖鬆脫而突然摺合,增 加意外風險,故不符歐洲標準要求。不過,根據本港《玩具及兒童產品安全條例》,本港發售的嬰孩手推車只須符合該條例規定的任何一個安全規格標準,因此售賣 上述四款品牌型號亦不屬違法。

報告亦指出,「Graco」 Citi Lite R及「Aprica」Laura 700 4WF兩款樣本的座椅物料較滑溜,難以穩固地安放幼兒,後者及「Combi」Miracle Turn Premier的安全帶則容易從扣子鬆開,「Combi」同一款樣本在車身部分位置表面粗糙,若家長不慎觸碰,有機會被割傷。



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08 -16-2013

本港自5月起,有兩名兒童於交通意外中被汽車安全帶勒至重傷, 其中一人傷重不治,引起社會對兒童汽車安全座椅的關注。消委會抽查27款適合初生至體重36公斤兒童的產品,發現樣本受正面撞擊時的保護能力偏低,其中九 款更被評為表現不滿意。


測試時把兒童安全座椅樣本和假人放入真車車架,模擬正面撞擊或側面撞擊,從假人身體各部份有否「受傷」以評估座椅的保護能力。英國製 「Britax/Romer Max-Way」整體表現最差,只獲2分,主因是側面撞擊的承受能力弱。意大利製「Cam Viaggiosicuro Isofix S157」及「Brevi TAO b.fix」防撞能力同樣偏低,整體評級2.5分,雙雙位列尾二。
消委會研究及試驗小組委員梁 光漢指,成人安全帶並非為兒童設計,遇意外時可能導致兒童嚴重受傷。兒童汽車安全座椅相對較安全,建議家長以子女的體重及身形為選購準則。現時《道路交通 (安全裝備)規例》只規管2歲或以下幼童如坐前座必須使用安全座椅,梁建議參考奧地利及英國等國家的做法,將規定擴展至後座及提高年齡限制。

Gitzel Giuliette Care

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