喜歡做麵包、蛋糕的人,總想擁有一部Kitchen Machine,不過,限於無地方/無錢/不急用/用途太單一……一直忍手不買。
直至最近,看見這部最新款的Kitchen Machine,可以像變形金鋼一樣,隨時變身成為一部攪拌機,同一個價錢,等同買到兩部機,怎會不心動。
沒有人不會不被這部紅色Kitchen Machine吸引,全不鏽鋼加焗漆外殼,流線造型跟超級跑車一樣,有型夠質感。
它是德國百年老牌子Bosch的出品,以往他們廚具電器並沒有在香港發售,而最近這部名為「廚師機」的新種Kitchen Machine,終於連同它其他雪櫃、洗衣機、熨斗等登陸香港。
這部廚師機最特別的,就是它可以一機多用。只要換上不同組件,便可以變成Kitchen Machine,搓粉打蛋搓麵糰,做蛋糕甜品;另外它又可以變身成為一部攪拌機,幫你打果汁、沙冰、打熱湯。而且操作很簡單,機身上只得一個扭動掣,轉一 轉,便可控制開關及調節5種快慢速度。
能夠把兩種廚具電器二合一,全因品牌一直以製作工業用的電鑽起家,所生產的摩打在歐洲數一數二,於是由電鑽摩打,再衍生出各種以摩打推動的家庭廚 房電器,像這部廚用機,馬力便高達1,600w,比起市面最大馬力Kenwood的Kitchen Machine還要優勝,因此,打蛋、搓麵糰,甚至打果汁、打沙冰,一部機便可以簡單快捷完成,而機身只比熱水壺大一點,解決廚房空間有限的問題,確實相 當吸引。
a. 主機︰機身只有36cm長、26.5cm闊、30cm高,比一般Kitchen Machine細,連電線也收入機身,很企理,可以貼牆放好,很慳位。
b. 攪拌盆︰不鏽鋼盆,容量有5.4公升,足夠一次過放6-8磅蛋糕的材料分量。
c. 攪拌杯︰強化玻璃所造,容量有1.75公升,易清潔,不易刮花杯身。
變身……Kitchen Machine
這部廚師機跟一般Kitchen Machine的功能很相近,可以打蛋、拌麵粉、搓麵糰,幫你輕鬆做甜品、曲奇、蛋糕,它的操作很簡單,把主機摩打放平後,裝上不鏽鋼攪拌盤,和三件不同的攪拌配件,便可以立即動手拌勻材料。
打蛋白︰平日打4隻蛋白大約用15分鐘,廚師機所用時間跟一Kitchen Machine差不多,不過打好的蛋白,體積更大更企身,放了兩小時也沒有塌下。
這 部多用途廚師機,作為Kitchen Machine,或是攪拌機,效果都不錯,價錢雖然比市面的專業Kitchen Machine貴$500-$1,000,不過一機多用,摩打強勁,而且機身比起傳統Kitchen Machine細五分一,相對更適合一般家庭細小的廚房,十分吸引。





當Kitchen Machine使用時,把頂部可轉動的摩打平放,跟機身呈90度,再在摩打底下的接駁口,裝上攪拌配件。







Stand mixers offer much more versatility than basic
hand mixers. These kitchen mixers have the ability to knead dough for
great homemade bread, yet they are simple enough to thoroughly mix cake
batter with ease. Using a stand mixer is much more efficient than a hand
mixer because the hands-free design allows you to add ingredients while
the mixer is churning. This also allows you to do other tasks such as
preparing the pan for baking or taking a short phone call. The KitchenAid Artisan, Breville BEM800XL and the KitchenAid Ultra Power
also come with a large enough bowl to mix a couple of batches of cookie
dough in one shot, providing you with even more free time.
For even further information on the best stand mixers please visit our learning center for articles on stand mixers.
Stand Mixers: What to Look For
When choosing a stand mixer you should consider what your plans are for using this appliance. Besides baking cookies or bread, consider what other things you'd use your kitchen mixer for.
The Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine is a fantastic all in one kitchen mixer, blender and so much more that uses a unique below the bowl drive system.
Ease of Use/Performance: 21/25
Convenience/Storage 23/25
Appearance/Design 24/25
How much I enjoy 21/25
Total: 89/100
Kitchen machines or kitchen mixers are not all created equal, many have higher price tags to go along with their versatility and heavy duty design. The Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine is no light weight when it comes to power and versatility but it does come with a hefty price tag.
The newest Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine does cost about $400 and this does not come with any attachments other than the bread dough hook and the two whisk beaters. The model I received for reviewing comes without the blender attachment that connects to the base on the side above the motor.
The Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine has a different design than other more common stand kitchen mixers with a base that is square and rather large. In the middle of this base is your attachment point for the main mixing bowl and some of the other attachments.
To the corner of the base is the motor which stands above the attachment point for the bowl and is also where some attachments like the blender go. The bowl which is made of a tough yet slightly flexible plastic has the power drive attachment for the mixer and dough hook running up through the center.
This center tower attachment point means the mixer whisks and bread dough hook attach through the bottom of the bowl and do not have some arm in the way from the top like other mixers. Easily adding or folding in ingredients or occasionally scraping the bowl is much easier without the arm of the mixer hanging over the bowl in your way.
The through the bowl drive design is the main difference between the Bosch Universal Machine and many of those other expensive kitchen mixers. Although I did not get the chance to try out other attachments they would easily work by attaching either where the bowl attaches or on top of the motor just like the blender would.
When using the bowl you need to have the safety cap in place on the other attachment point where the blender goes. There is a switch on the blender attachment point and the bowl attachment point that makes a great way to ensure you have either an attachment or cover in place over both drive connections for safety.
The basic model has the base of the unit and the mixing bowl with the two attachments, the two whisk beaters and the attachment they connect to, the bread dough hook and a mixing spatula as well as a manual. The company does have a few recipes in the manual but recipes are easy to get from your family favorites to the many available from the internet.
The Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine does have plenty of power to thoroughly knead bread dough or cookies which are among the toughest things a stand mixer will face. I found the mixer also did a great job mashing potatoes and at lighter tasks like whisking eggs or cream into light and fluffy topping or meringue quickly.
I used the Bosch Kitchen Machine for several recipes including a flourless cake which takes melted chocolate and butter added to whipped egg whites and creates an almost brownie like cake that was great. I also did some recipes like bread which turned out pretty good but that was not the fault of the mixer, I'm just not a really good cook when it comes to breads.
I did use the mixer for many recipes and it withstood the tough jobs of heavy bread dough and cookies well even when adding the chips to a cookie recipe. Cookies and bread dough were no problem for the Bosch Kitchen Machine and the motor never wavered or slowed down at all.
The Bosch did not slow down or start to sound like a tired old machine when I made a double recipe of chocolate chip cookies. The Bosch Universal tackled the job of final mixing with the chips into the dough just fine without slowing down so there is power behind the slightly odd design.
I found having the mixer rather open on the top made adding ingredients easier and you could watch things better than having to peak around a large central column. Other mixers I have used with that large column right in the way can be distracting from trying to cook.
I much prefer the open top of the Bosch mixer when preparing those delicious recipes and adding ingredients is also much easier. A down side to the Bosch machine is the wire whisks do not quite touch the curve of the bowl in the middle so there ends up being a small ring of unmixed ingredients around the center of the mixing bowl.
What this means when preparing cookies, a cake or other foods is you need to occasionally stop the mixer and scrape the bowl at times to get all the ingredients mixed in. I found this true of any mixer I used just in different places so this is not really any problem.
All the mixers I have used require occasional scraping, this one includes a scraper, except when you get toward the end of a good bread dough or cookie. Mixing the bread dough or cookie dough was easy and the Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine made it much easier and more fun.
The Bosch Kitchen Machine is a great stand mixer that lets you concentrate on the recipe and you're cooking instead of using the mixer. The Bosch Kitchen Machine is a great mixer and you can turn your back on it at times to work on other parts of the recipe without fear of your mixing running away from you.
While whipping cream into a topping for the cake I could start cutting the cake and plating it while the mixer did its work without having to scrape the sides as it whisked. The same was true of mixing the egg whites as the two ingredients of egg whites and sugar easily mixed and then I just allowed it to run without giving it much thought.
The Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine is a great overall mixer that has the great feature of the open top design unlike other more traditional stand mixers. The Bosch Universal may cost a bit more but its nice open design and tough 800 watt motor deliver the power you need in a handy kitchen appliance.
I highly recommend the Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine as the start to a full kitchen appliance system and a great investment to make food preparation not only easier but fun.
Mixing it up: A Guide to Standard Attachments
A few years ago using a kitchen mixer was as simple as pulling out the old wire whisk to create scrambled eggs or plugging in the two-beater mixer to whip up cake batter. But in today's modern kitchen you are more likely to find a full stand mixer with any of a dozen or more different attachments. So with all of the choices, how do you know which attachment does what? Let us help you out.
One of the most common attachments that come with a stand mixer is a dough hook, which will be in the shape of a "C" or a spiral. The "C" shape is most commonly used. This is most commonly used for stiff dough that should be kneaded or when trying to allow air into the dough so it will rise, such as with bread and pizza dough.
The next common attachment is the wire whip or balloon whisk. This attachment is mostly used when a whipping action is necessary, such as when turning a milk base into whipped cream or when creating meringue for a lemon meringue pie. Any time you are looking to infuse air into your liquid foods you should consider using the whisk.
Most stand mixers will include a flat beater when you purchase the unit. The purpose of the flat beater is to mix ingredients without a whipping action. It is most useful when you are mixing cake batter, meatloaf or making mashed potatoes.
Some electric mixers allow you to create even more exciting culinary dishes by providing an extensive list of different attachments. For example, the line of KitchenAid stand mixers allows you to purchase a rectangle device that attaches to the front of the unit that will allow you to make your own ravioli. Once you have made your ravioli dough, you simply place one piece on either side of this little gadget and drop in your ravioli filling. As you turn the small hand crank the dough wraps itself around your filling and is pressed through a molded slot that will not only join the ends of your ravioli together, but will also imprint them with the ruffled look of store-bought ravioli.
Some kitchen mixers even offer a special attachment that will allow you to make your own homemade ice cream. If you have kids who like to help in the kitchen, this is one attachment that will come in handy. No rock salt is needed; simply freeze the special bowl before use, add your ingredients, fasten the ice cream attachment to your stand mixer and within minutes you have your own homemade ice cream. You can also create your own gelato or sorbet using the ice cream attachment.
One of the handiest gadgets we found for some stand mixers is a slicer/shredder attachment. This allows you to shred potatoes and cheese for a perfect hash brown casserole in a matter of seconds. If you are someone who likes to shred your own lettuce for your south of the border Mexican meals, this feature will also come in handy.
All you have to do is choose the right attachment and you can knead bread dough and whip up those mashed potatoes in a matter of minutes – with zero elbow grease. But keep in mind that if you are looking for something more adventurous many of the mixers on the market offer different attachments for creating even more culinary delights.
喜歡做麵包、蛋糕的人,總想擁有一部Kitchen Machine,不過,限於無地方/無錢/不急用/用途太單一……一直忍手不買。
直至最近,看見這部最新款的Kitchen Machine,可以像變形金鋼一樣,隨時變身成為一部攪拌機,同一個價錢,等同買到兩部機,怎會不心動。
沒有人不會不被這部紅色Kitchen Machine吸引,全不鏽鋼加焗漆外殼,流線造型跟超級跑車一樣,有型夠質感。
它是德國百年老牌子Bosch的出品,以往他們廚具電器並沒有在香港發售,而最近這部名為「廚師機」的新種Kitchen Machine,終於連同它其他雪櫃、洗衣機、熨斗等登陸香港。
這部廚師機最特別的,就是它可以一機多用。只要換上不同組件,便可以變成Kitchen Machine,搓粉打蛋搓麵糰,做蛋糕甜品;另外它又可以變身成為一部攪拌機,幫你打果汁、沙冰、打熱湯。而且操作很簡單,機身上只得一個扭動掣,轉一 轉,便可控制開關及調節5種快慢速度。
能夠把兩種廚具電器二合一,全因品牌一直以製作工業用的電鑽起家,所生產的摩打在歐洲數一數二,於是由電鑽摩打,再衍生出各種以摩打推動的家庭廚 房電器,像這部廚用機,馬力便高達1,600w,比起市面最大馬力Kenwood的Kitchen Machine還要優勝,因此,打蛋、搓麵糰,甚至打果汁、打沙冰,一部機便可以簡單快捷完成,而機身只比熱水壺大一點,解決廚房空間有限的問題,確實相 當吸引。
a. 主機︰機身只有36cm長、26.5cm闊、30cm高,比一般Kitchen Machine細,連電線也收入機身,很企理,可以貼牆放好,很慳位。
b. 攪拌盆︰不鏽鋼盆,容量有5.4公升,足夠一次過放6-8磅蛋糕的材料分量。
c. 攪拌杯︰強化玻璃所造,容量有1.75公升,易清潔,不易刮花杯身。
變身……Kitchen Machine
這部廚師機跟一般Kitchen Machine的功能很相近,可以打蛋、拌麵粉、搓麵糰,幫你輕鬆做甜品、曲奇、蛋糕,它的操作很簡單,把主機摩打放平後,裝上不鏽鋼攪拌盤,和三件不同的攪拌配件,便可以立即動手拌勻材料。
打蛋白︰平日打4隻蛋白大約用15分鐘,廚師機所用時間跟一Kitchen Machine差不多,不過打好的蛋白,體積更大更企身,放了兩小時也沒有塌下。
這 部多用途廚師機,作為Kitchen Machine,或是攪拌機,效果都不錯,價錢雖然比市面的專業Kitchen Machine貴$500-$1,000,不過一機多用,摩打強勁,而且機身比起傳統Kitchen Machine細五分一,相對更適合一般家庭細小的廚房,十分吸引。





當Kitchen Machine使用時,把頂部可轉動的摩打平放,跟機身呈90度,再在摩打底下的接駁口,裝上攪拌配件。







Why Buy a Stand Mixer?
For even further information on the best stand mixers please visit our learning center for articles on stand mixers.
Stand Mixers: What to Look For
When choosing a stand mixer you should consider what your plans are for using this appliance. Besides baking cookies or bread, consider what other things you'd use your kitchen mixer for.
If you are looking for a tool that will mix something more stiff such as cookie or bread dough, make sure that your stand mixer comes equipped with a dough hook. Some stand mixers also have accessories that can be purchased separately that will give your stand mixer extra functionality, from blending to filling your own homemade sausages.
If you are looking for a tool that will mix something more stiff such as cookie or bread dough, make sure that your stand mixer comes equipped with a dough hook. Some stand mixers also have accessories that can be purchased separately that will give your stand mixer extra functionality, from blending to filling your own homemade sausages.
Ease of Use
The purpose of a stand mixer is to make your life in the kitchen as easy as possible. Therefore, the food mixer itself should be easy to use. A good stand mixer will offer a tilt-head design that will allow you to properly position the mixing bowl before lowering the mixing head. Another important feature to look for is a bowl with a handle. This is especially nice when transferring the bowl to and from the mixer base. Other important features to consider are metal gears and a direct drive motion. This will ensure that your stand mixer will be able to stand up to the recipes that you throw its way for years to come. Another important feature to look for is planetary mixing. This allows mixers to hit several different points in the mixing bowl to ensure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
The purpose of a stand mixer is to make your life in the kitchen as easy as possible. Therefore, the food mixer itself should be easy to use. A good stand mixer will offer a tilt-head design that will allow you to properly position the mixing bowl before lowering the mixing head. Another important feature to look for is a bowl with a handle. This is especially nice when transferring the bowl to and from the mixer base. Other important features to consider are metal gears and a direct drive motion. This will ensure that your stand mixer will be able to stand up to the recipes that you throw its way for years to come. Another important feature to look for is planetary mixing. This allows mixers to hit several different points in the mixing bowl to ensure that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
Help & Support
A good stand mixer will come with a user manual complete with a few recipes to try out. It should also include a warranty on the motor as well as one for the mixer itself. Finding help for your new stand mixer should not be difficult. Some of the mixers we reviewed even offer live chat support to help you with questions.
Finding the right stand mixer will take a bit of decision making on your part. Choosing how your stand mixer will be used is the biggest consideration. If you are looking for something as simple as hands-free mixing then you don't need a food mixer that offers the extra feature capabilities. But if you are looking for one that will act as a blender or one that will help you to make homemade sausages, you'll need to choose one with these available features. Let us help you find the right stand mixer for you and we're confident you'll be happy with your choice.A good stand mixer will come with a user manual complete with a few recipes to try out. It should also include a warranty on the motor as well as one for the mixer itself. Finding help for your new stand mixer should not be difficult. Some of the mixers we reviewed even offer live chat support to help you with questions.
Product Review: Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine
The Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine is a fantastic all in one kitchen mixer, blender and so much more that uses a unique below the bowl drive system.
Ease of Use/Performance: 21/25
Convenience/Storage 23/25
Appearance/Design 24/25
How much I enjoy 21/25
Total: 89/100
Kitchen machines or kitchen mixers are not all created equal, many have higher price tags to go along with their versatility and heavy duty design. The Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine is no light weight when it comes to power and versatility but it does come with a hefty price tag.
The newest Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine does cost about $400 and this does not come with any attachments other than the bread dough hook and the two whisk beaters. The model I received for reviewing comes without the blender attachment that connects to the base on the side above the motor.
The Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine has a different design than other more common stand kitchen mixers with a base that is square and rather large. In the middle of this base is your attachment point for the main mixing bowl and some of the other attachments.
To the corner of the base is the motor which stands above the attachment point for the bowl and is also where some attachments like the blender go. The bowl which is made of a tough yet slightly flexible plastic has the power drive attachment for the mixer and dough hook running up through the center.
This center tower attachment point means the mixer whisks and bread dough hook attach through the bottom of the bowl and do not have some arm in the way from the top like other mixers. Easily adding or folding in ingredients or occasionally scraping the bowl is much easier without the arm of the mixer hanging over the bowl in your way.
The through the bowl drive design is the main difference between the Bosch Universal Machine and many of those other expensive kitchen mixers. Although I did not get the chance to try out other attachments they would easily work by attaching either where the bowl attaches or on top of the motor just like the blender would.
When using the bowl you need to have the safety cap in place on the other attachment point where the blender goes. There is a switch on the blender attachment point and the bowl attachment point that makes a great way to ensure you have either an attachment or cover in place over both drive connections for safety.
The basic model has the base of the unit and the mixing bowl with the two attachments, the two whisk beaters and the attachment they connect to, the bread dough hook and a mixing spatula as well as a manual. The company does have a few recipes in the manual but recipes are easy to get from your family favorites to the many available from the internet.
The Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine does have plenty of power to thoroughly knead bread dough or cookies which are among the toughest things a stand mixer will face. I found the mixer also did a great job mashing potatoes and at lighter tasks like whisking eggs or cream into light and fluffy topping or meringue quickly.
I used the Bosch Kitchen Machine for several recipes including a flourless cake which takes melted chocolate and butter added to whipped egg whites and creates an almost brownie like cake that was great. I also did some recipes like bread which turned out pretty good but that was not the fault of the mixer, I'm just not a really good cook when it comes to breads.
I did use the mixer for many recipes and it withstood the tough jobs of heavy bread dough and cookies well even when adding the chips to a cookie recipe. Cookies and bread dough were no problem for the Bosch Kitchen Machine and the motor never wavered or slowed down at all.
The Bosch did not slow down or start to sound like a tired old machine when I made a double recipe of chocolate chip cookies. The Bosch Universal tackled the job of final mixing with the chips into the dough just fine without slowing down so there is power behind the slightly odd design.
I found having the mixer rather open on the top made adding ingredients easier and you could watch things better than having to peak around a large central column. Other mixers I have used with that large column right in the way can be distracting from trying to cook.
I much prefer the open top of the Bosch mixer when preparing those delicious recipes and adding ingredients is also much easier. A down side to the Bosch machine is the wire whisks do not quite touch the curve of the bowl in the middle so there ends up being a small ring of unmixed ingredients around the center of the mixing bowl.
What this means when preparing cookies, a cake or other foods is you need to occasionally stop the mixer and scrape the bowl at times to get all the ingredients mixed in. I found this true of any mixer I used just in different places so this is not really any problem.
All the mixers I have used require occasional scraping, this one includes a scraper, except when you get toward the end of a good bread dough or cookie. Mixing the bread dough or cookie dough was easy and the Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine made it much easier and more fun.
The Bosch Kitchen Machine is a great stand mixer that lets you concentrate on the recipe and you're cooking instead of using the mixer. The Bosch Kitchen Machine is a great mixer and you can turn your back on it at times to work on other parts of the recipe without fear of your mixing running away from you.
While whipping cream into a topping for the cake I could start cutting the cake and plating it while the mixer did its work without having to scrape the sides as it whisked. The same was true of mixing the egg whites as the two ingredients of egg whites and sugar easily mixed and then I just allowed it to run without giving it much thought.
The Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine is a great overall mixer that has the great feature of the open top design unlike other more traditional stand mixers. The Bosch Universal may cost a bit more but its nice open design and tough 800 watt motor deliver the power you need in a handy kitchen appliance.
I highly recommend the Bosch Universal Kitchen Machine as the start to a full kitchen appliance system and a great investment to make food preparation not only easier but fun.
Mixing it up: A Guide to Standard Attachments
A few years ago using a kitchen mixer was as simple as pulling out the old wire whisk to create scrambled eggs or plugging in the two-beater mixer to whip up cake batter. But in today's modern kitchen you are more likely to find a full stand mixer with any of a dozen or more different attachments. So with all of the choices, how do you know which attachment does what? Let us help you out.
One of the most common attachments that come with a stand mixer is a dough hook, which will be in the shape of a "C" or a spiral. The "C" shape is most commonly used. This is most commonly used for stiff dough that should be kneaded or when trying to allow air into the dough so it will rise, such as with bread and pizza dough.
The next common attachment is the wire whip or balloon whisk. This attachment is mostly used when a whipping action is necessary, such as when turning a milk base into whipped cream or when creating meringue for a lemon meringue pie. Any time you are looking to infuse air into your liquid foods you should consider using the whisk.
Most stand mixers will include a flat beater when you purchase the unit. The purpose of the flat beater is to mix ingredients without a whipping action. It is most useful when you are mixing cake batter, meatloaf or making mashed potatoes.
Some electric mixers allow you to create even more exciting culinary dishes by providing an extensive list of different attachments. For example, the line of KitchenAid stand mixers allows you to purchase a rectangle device that attaches to the front of the unit that will allow you to make your own ravioli. Once you have made your ravioli dough, you simply place one piece on either side of this little gadget and drop in your ravioli filling. As you turn the small hand crank the dough wraps itself around your filling and is pressed through a molded slot that will not only join the ends of your ravioli together, but will also imprint them with the ruffled look of store-bought ravioli.
Some kitchen mixers even offer a special attachment that will allow you to make your own homemade ice cream. If you have kids who like to help in the kitchen, this is one attachment that will come in handy. No rock salt is needed; simply freeze the special bowl before use, add your ingredients, fasten the ice cream attachment to your stand mixer and within minutes you have your own homemade ice cream. You can also create your own gelato or sorbet using the ice cream attachment.
One of the handiest gadgets we found for some stand mixers is a slicer/shredder attachment. This allows you to shred potatoes and cheese for a perfect hash brown casserole in a matter of seconds. If you are someone who likes to shred your own lettuce for your south of the border Mexican meals, this feature will also come in handy.
All you have to do is choose the right attachment and you can knead bread dough and whip up those mashed potatoes in a matter of minutes – with zero elbow grease. But keep in mind that if you are looking for something more adventurous many of the mixers on the market offer different attachments for creating even more culinary delights.