PART1 為什麼要看中醫?
PART2 中醫內科,5大求診疾病
PART3 中醫針灸,針出什麼效果?
PART4 中醫傷科,筋骨痠痛怎麼解?
PART5 婦科調理,中醫可以幫多少?
中 醫與西醫可說是兩個不同的醫學理論體系,無論是醫師的養成教育、對疾病的看法與治療的方式等皆不盡相同,兩者雖都以治癒為目標,但中醫較偏重辨證論治,認 為人之所以會生病,是因為受到外邪入侵或因為七情內傷,破壞了體內的平衡所導致,因此認為「病徵只是內在臟腑經絡失去平衡的外在表現」,必須要徹底消除病 因,才能達到完全治療的效果,這也是多數中醫師認為——「中醫不是在替病人治病,而是幫助患者調理身體,才能徹底恢復身體健康」的立論基礎。台北市立聯合 醫院中醫醫療部中西醫師陳建宏指出,中醫在論治上,是依個人症狀的表現與體質來開立處方,具體來說,療效比較整體,也較能去除病根。
過 去,無論是在中醫門診或坊間的中醫診所中,大多不採分科醫治,現在,隨著看中醫的人數愈來愈多,許多大型醫院為了就醫方便,也漸漸朝向西醫的分科方式,大 致分成內、外、婦、兒、針、傷等六科,對於疾病的診斷與醫治,則是利用「望聞問切」的診病方法,並以「砭針灸藥」為治療方式。
許多人以為 中醫的藥效慢,不能馬上解除症狀,誤解急症的患者不適合看中醫?對此,陳建宏不以為然,他說明這樣的觀念其實是錯的,「中醫也有對付急症的藥物及治療方 式,這與疾病的種類與特性有關。」就以感冒來說,只要診斷正確、對症下藥,只要吃1~3天的中藥,症狀都能有所改善並解除,「只是大家不知道感冒也可以看 中醫,」反而是一些慢性疾病或者因機能退化所導致的疾病,病患可能在看過西醫後無效,才願意給中醫治療,也因此會有此錯誤的認知。
其實, 除了在外科及感染等方面,中醫比較不如西醫般的有效神速,但在許多病症的急救中,中醫的針灸和手法卻能有效控制病情,讓病人轉危為安。中華民國中醫師公會 全國聯合會常務理事陳潮宗醫師便指出,現代的中醫醫術中,也能如西醫的外科手術,以小針刀來撥經開刀,且這已在國外風行許久,此外,無論在國際間的醫療期 刊雜誌中,也有許多記載指出,中醫的針灸確實具有實際療效,並已受歐美等先進國家推崇使用。因此,千萬別以為中醫只是輔助醫療,應該是「無論中西醫都有高 低手,每科也各有專精,只要找到對此技術有專研的醫師,都能達到西醫的治療效果。」
1 過敏性疾病(如過敏性鼻炎、氣喘等)。
2 軟組織疾病(如肌肉疼痛、肌肉發炎等)。
3 自主神經性疾病(如壓力造成的失眠、疲倦、倦怠等)。
4 功能性消化道疾病(如胃痛、便祕、腹瀉等)。
5 關節性疾病(如關節炎、風濕性疾病)等。
此 外,由於中醫對上述5大熱門疾病的治療手法不只是單純的藥物治療,還有針灸、藥飲及食療等,甚至有敷貼的方式,可以適應不同需求的患者。陳建宏說,從中醫 師的角度來看,一般會來看中醫的民眾,可大致分成兩類人,一種可能已在西醫求治過,但效果不好而來求診,也有少數人是對西藥的味道或副作用無法接受而來, 其餘則多為輔助角色,希望能達到改善體質的功效。
中 西醫治療疾病各有優劣,現在亦有許多病症採用「西醫辨病、中醫辨證」的中西醫合併治療方式,以收截長補短、相輔相成之效。以癌症化療患者來說,已有相當的 臨床研究證實中西醫合併治療,可以降低化學治療的副作用,達到較好恢復效果與改善患者的生活品質方面,而現行結合中西醫合併的治療方式,臨床上則以處理各 種慢性疼痛病人,或對許多致病原因不明甚至複雜的病人居多。
陳建宏提醒,在工作壓力及生活緊張下,有絕大多數民眾都出現「亞健康」狀態, 「總是覺得怪怪的,但又檢查不出疾病時,這時最適合看中醫。」他建議,對於中醫效果仍有疑慮的民眾,可採行分階段的中西醫合併治療方式,例如,對於不適合 開刀的患者,可以先以中醫調整身體,等體質調養好之後再去西醫看診、做檢驗或開刀,對疾病的治療效果來說,將可達到加分的功效。
至於民眾 若同時求助中西醫時,是否有須特別留意的地方?兩位中醫師均指出,「若採中西醫併行治療,務必同時告知兩方醫師」。陳建宏以自身即為中西醫師的角度解釋, 中西醫著重的重點不同,民眾應該先了解哪種治療方式對自己的幫助最大,再決定使用何種治療模式。雖然中藥的副作用低,但同時併用仍有潛在的風險,因此,若 要在同一時間服用中西藥,至少要錯開1~2小時,這是因為胃部排空食物大約需要2小時左右,把吃藥時間錯開,比較不會在胃裡產生交互影響的作用。其他若有 不能在同一時間內一起使用的藥物,就必須諮詢處方的中西醫師與詢問中西藥師。
此外,若平常有吃任何西藥的患者,也要在就醫時告知醫師,才 不會讓兩種藥物發生加乘或抵銷的反效果,最常見的就是阿斯匹靈屬於活血藥物,但中藥中有許多活血化瘀藥材,兩者合用,就容易增強抗凝血的功能。陳建宏提 醒,這些用藥禁忌不一而足,民眾雖無須記憶,但若能有所認知,對病情都有幫助,但更重要的是須及時告知醫師正在服用的藥物內容,才能避免反效果。
( I tried to google translate the above passage to English but the result does not end up as satisfactory so I am trying to translate it more likely to what the Chinese passage means. Please give me some time I am working on it.)
With a history of five thousand years , Chinese culture has accumulated a set of different Western health philosophy, Chinese medicine is the continuation of one of the most favorable evidence of ancient wisdom. Compared to the Western's "disease theory governance", a therapeutically targets to treat symptoms of the disease, the characteristics of Chinese medicine is, "the dialectical theory of governance, to emphasize a holistic view of the overall concept of governance, like you can utilize in your every day life wisdom.
The era is developing apace, and the phenomenon of hostility between Chinese and Western medicine before has long been eliminated, many of the hospital stressed Western combined treatment. For people, whether Chinese or Western, seeking treatment as long as the good use of their expertise and characteristics, to select the most appropriate medical treatment, will be able to maintain a healthy, up to the longevity effect.
TCM stress to eliminate the root cause, Western Medicine emphasis on physical conditioningChinese and Western medicine can be said they are two different theoretical system of medicine. Whether with Physician's education , or the different perspective and treatment of diseases, etc, Chinese and Western Medicine are aimed to cure , however, the Chinese Medicine are mainly emphasized on diagnosis and treatment. The reason for people being sick is because of a damage in the balance of the body: the symptoms reflects internal organs and meridians losing the balance of external manifestations, and we must completely eliminate the cause in order to to achieve fully the effects of treatment; the majority of Chinese medicine practitioners believe that ,as the theoretical basis- "Chinese medicine is not for patient treatment, but to help patients with physical conditioning to completely restored to good health," . Dr CHEN Jian , Taipei City Hospital, Department of Chinese medicine and Western physicians pointed out that with the TCM theory of governance, it is in accordance to the performance of individual symptoms and physical aspect to come up with a prescription, specifically, its overall effects are more likely to be able to remove the root cause.In the past, whether it is in Chinese medicine out-patient, or the printing of Chinese medicine clinics, most of the Mining Division to heal, now, with the growing number of traditional Chinese medicine, many large hospitals for medical treatment to facilitate gradually towards Western medicine, the division roughly divided into inside, outside, women, children, needle injuries, and six subjects, the diagnosis and cure of disease, the use of "looking, listening, asking medical consultation method and acupuncture acupuncture medicine treatments.Many people think that the efficacy of Chinese medicine is slow and can not immediately relieve symptoms, misunderstanding acute patients not suitable for traditional Chinese medicine? , CHEN Jian disapproval, he explained that such a concept, it is wrong, "Chinese also have to deal with acute drug treatment, with the types and characteristics of the disease." To the cold for as long as the correct diagnosis, the right medicine, as long as eat one to three days of traditional Chinese medicine, the symptoms can be improved and to lift, "only that we do not know the cold can also be traditional Chinese medicine," it is a number of chronic diseases or diseases caused by deteriorating, the patient may have seen the Western invalid before they are willing to Chinese medicine treatment, and therefore have this wrong perception.In fact, in addition to surgical and infection, traditional Chinese medicine than Western medicine as rapidly, but in a number of disorders of emergency, the traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture and practices can effectively control the disease and allow patients to save the day. Chen Chao-Tsung, MD, executive director of the National Federation of Chinese Medicine Practitioners Association of the Republic of China pointed out that the modern Chinese medicine, such as Western surgery, allocated by small needle-knife surgery, and this has been popular in foreign countries for a long time, in addition, in terms of international medical journals, there are many records that Chinese medicine acupuncture does have practical effect, and has been respected by the advanced European countries use. Therefore, do not think Chinese medicine is only an auxiliary medical, should be "whether Chinese and Western medicine have high and low hand each subject, each specialized, as long as it is to find this technology specializes in physician of Western medicine to achieve the therapeutic effect."TCM see the doctor 5 favorite diseaseChinese Medicine Hospital District of Taipei City Hospital in 2010 the number of visits made to the survey show that in clinical practice, to see Chinese medicine a higher concentration of the Division do not, if gender, top 5 favorite disease are as follows:Allergic diseases (such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, etc.).Soft tissue diseases (such as muscle pain, muscle inflammation, etc.).The autonomic nervous system diseases (such as insomnia, stress, fatigue, malaise, etc.).4 functional gastrointestinal diseases (such as stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, etc.).Five joint disease (such as arthritis, rheumatic diseases).CHEN Jian pointed out that, the main cause of allergic disease first, most people have doubts about the therapeutic effect of Western medicine, or the side effects of Western medication is not assured (eg, worry about the use of steroids), or change the constitution to achieve the sought assistance TCM .In addition, due to the practices of Chinese medicine treatment of the five favorite disease is not merely a drug therapy, acupuncture, drugs, drink and diet, etc., or even the way of the applicator can be adapted to the different needs of patients. CHEN Jian said, from the perspective of Chinese medicine practitioners, people will generally look at Chinese medicine can be broadly divided into two categories, one may have to seek treatment in Western medicine, but the results are poor from seeking treatment, there are a few people the taste of western medicine or side effects can not be accepted from the rest mostly a supporting role, I hope to improve the physical effect.From the cold can be cured correctly, small, large difficult to heal the cancer, Chinese medicine can proceed from the primary treatment and adjuvant role to help and provide patients with integrated treatment to achieve the effect of cure.Chinese and Western medicine and governance more efficacyTreatment of diseases of the Chinese and Western medicine have their own advantages and disadvantages, and also a number of disorders a "Western disease differentiation of TCM in Western medicine combined treatment, received short and finally, complement each other. Cancer chemotherapy patients, considerable clinical studies have confirmed that the Western combination therapy can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, to achieve better recovery effects and improve patients' quality of life, the current combination of Chinese and Western medicine combined treatment, clinical on while handling a variety of chronic pain patients, or for many causes of civilization and even the mostly complex patients.CHEN Jian tense under the pressure of work and life, the vast majority of people are "sub-healthy state," always feel strange, but check to see the disease, when the most suitable for traditional Chinese medicine. "He suggested, TCM effects people still have some concerns, combination therapy of Chinese and Western medicine can adopt a phased manner, for example, for patients not suitable for surgery, you can go to Western medicine to traditional Chinese medicine to adjust the body, and other physical nursed back to health after seeing patients, inspection or surgery for the treatment of disease, will be able to achieve the efficacy of points.As far as if the people at the same time help the Chinese and Western medicine, pay special attention to? The two Chinese medicine practitioners have pointed out that "Western mining in parallel treatment, at the same time be sure to inform the two parties physician. CHEN Jian explained on its own is the point of view of Western doctors in Western medicine focuses on a different focus, people should first understand what kind of treatment for their help, and then decide what treatment modalities. Although the side effects of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), but at the same time and there are still potential risks, therefore, to Western medicine in the same time taking at least stagger 1 to 2 hours, this is because the stomach emptying food takes about 2 hours to eat drug stagger not compare the role of interaction in the stomach. Other if so, can not be used with drugs at the same time, it must consult the prescribing physician of Chinese and Western and inquiries and Western pharmacists.In addition, if the usual patients to eat any western medicine, but also in the medical treatment your doctor will not occur multiply or offset the negative effects of the two drugs, the most common is aspirin are promoting blood circulation drugs, but traditional Chinese medicine There are many herbs of promoting blood circulation, and the two combined, it is easy to enhance the anticoagulant. CHEN Jian reminders, medication contraindications, and so forth, people need not memory, but if some cognitive condition have helped, but more importantly, is required to promptly inform physicians are taking the drug, in order to avoid the opposite effect.
