某些基因產生的突變,可能會影響特定器官的形態或功能,因而導致遺傳疾病的發生,以地中海型貧血(又名海洋性貧血)為例,它是一種單基因隱性遺傳疾病,夫妻倆若為同型帶因者,每次懷孕胎兒有1/4機會完全正常,1/2機會成為帶因者,另外1/4則是重症患者。目前則可於懷孕三個月內確定重症患者的遺傳基因,才來得及提早以子宮擴刮術終止妊娠。絨毛採樣檢查 Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
What is Chorionic Villus Sampling?
Chorionic Villus Sampling is another prenatal diagnostic test used to determine if a fetus has any genetic abnormalities. Like the amniocentesis, the test is done early in pregnancy, but some people prefer it to amniocentesis because it can be performed as early as 10 weeks , typically between 10 and 13 weeks (amniocentesis is done between 14-20 weeks) and the results typically come back in about 7-10 days (results for amniocentesis can take up to 4 weeks).What is the Chorionic Villi?
Chorionic villi are tiny finger-shaped growths found in the placenta. The genetic material in chorionic villus cells is the same as that in the baby’s cells so they can be analyzed and information about the baby can be obtained.Who is recommended for Chorionic Villus Sampling?
Women at an increased risk for genetic abnormalities are recommended to have prenatal diagnostic screening. Many couples choose chorionic villus sampling over amniocentesis because it can be performed earlier in the pregnancy. Additionally, if significant genetic abnormalities are found, many couples elect to terminate the pregnancy and this is easier and safer earlier in pregnancy. Indications for chorionic villus sampling are the same as for amniocentesis.How is Chorionic Villus Sampling Performed?
Chorionic villus sampling is done by
first visualizing the fetus and placenta on ultrasound. Making sure that
the fetus and placenta are not in any danger of injury, the
Obstetrician then puts a thin flexible tube (catheter) through the
vagina and cervix into the placenta and a small amount of tissue is
removed. The sample is then sent to the lab for analysis which takes
about 1 to 2 weeks. The sample can also be collected through a long,
thin needle put through the belly into the placenta.