You have probably already seen the headlines, ranging from the emotional "Pregnant Women Awash in Chemicals. Is That Bad for Baby?" to the simply factual "Toxic Chemicals Found in Pregnant U.S. Women."
Yes, it heralds yet another study that confirms what toxicologists
increasingly know: the plethora of chemicals in our environment and
consumer products do stay in the body, from whence the once reassuring
blood-brain barrier or placental barrier effects have proven less
reliable than hoped. The study, Environmental Chemicals in Pregnant Women in the US: NHANES 2003-2004 was released online in Environmental Health Perspectives.Tracey
Woodruff, director of the Program on Reproductive Health and the
Environment at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) headed
up the study, which analyzed data on chemicals detected in blood and
urine samples taken as part of the National Health and Nutritional
Examination Survey (NHANES). In addition to being fodder from Woodruff's
study, NHANES is a powerful force for good health: the NHANES studies
are behind advances like iron fortification of grains and cereals and
the ban on leaded gasoline.
Take-away Message for Women
So what can we learn from a study that proves that over 99% of women have at least 43 of the chemicals examined in their bodies at the time of their pregnancy? Is this a cause to worry, if you are expecting, or even expecting to be expecting?
So what can we learn from a study that proves that over 99% of women have at least 43 of the chemicals examined in their bodies at the time of their pregnancy? Is this a cause to worry, if you are expecting, or even expecting to be expecting?
First, for the expecting women, let me
answer with a resounding "No." Hakuna matata, don't worry. Just because
we can detect a chemical does not mean it is present in sufficient
quantities to cause harm. And it is not something you can control very
well, so there are better things for you to prioritize. If you have some
extra energy for preoccupation with what is best for your baby, then
take your folic acid, get a balanced and nutritional diet, and good
pre-natal care. If you have any of the clearly bad habits -- like
smoking, alcohol, or drugs -- you may have to make an extra effort to do
what is right for your baby.
Bottom Line for Science
But for the scientists and researchers, this study should be a trigger for more work on the topic. Clearly, the old model of toxicology is dead. Under the old assumptions, a person might be exposed to a chemical with toxic properties, but their bodies would soon eliminate or isolate the chemicals so that no further harm could be expected. It is not a terrible assumption: your magnificently efficient organs will reduce most exposures to what experts believe are harmless levels quite quickly. If this was not the case, you could take one birth-control pill and that would do it for the rest of your life (which would sort of defeat the utility). But clearly the clean-up process can only go so far. We are stuck with some left-overs for good. This is substantiated by the finding of chemicals in our bodies which have long since been banned, like PCBs.
But for the scientists and researchers, this study should be a trigger for more work on the topic. Clearly, the old model of toxicology is dead. Under the old assumptions, a person might be exposed to a chemical with toxic properties, but their bodies would soon eliminate or isolate the chemicals so that no further harm could be expected. It is not a terrible assumption: your magnificently efficient organs will reduce most exposures to what experts believe are harmless levels quite quickly. If this was not the case, you could take one birth-control pill and that would do it for the rest of your life (which would sort of defeat the utility). But clearly the clean-up process can only go so far. We are stuck with some left-overs for good. This is substantiated by the finding of chemicals in our bodies which have long since been banned, like PCBs.
Another old assumption holds that the amounts
of chemicals found in women's bodies, barely detectable levels really,
cannot be dangerous. As humans, we have a terribly hard time grasping
extremely large or very tiny numbers, and consequently can barely
communicate about such concepts. In the case of this study, the highest
concentration of a chemical found in blood was 226 micrograms per liter
of mono-ethyl phthalate (a chemical which is made when the body
metabolizes diethyl phthalate, a common ingredient of cosmetics and
personal care products).
To provide a context for understanding
this number: the normal level of estradiol (the primary estrogen in the
female body) ranges from 0.025 to 0.300 micrograms per liter. Any woman
who has experienced the effects of menopause can tell you that chemicals
at this level in the blood do have an effect on the body. While there
is no reason to believe that any of the chemicals in this study have
activities anywhere near the powerhouse estradiol, some of these
chemicals are believed to mimic hormones. So it is conceivable that they
may be active in the body at concentrations of hundreds or thousands of
times that of biologically active molecules.
Furthermore, this
study is yet another call for developing our understanding of the
potentially complex interactions of multiple chemicals in the body. If
it is not the case that one exposure is fully eliminated before another
may occur (and it is clearly not the case: the average woman is exposed
to dozens of chemicals before she even completes her morning hygiene and
make-up ritual), then we need to understand any synergistic or
potentiation effects these chemicals have.
What Can Be Done?
The public probably needs to start understanding what some of these high-falutin' toxicological terms mean. Synergistic effects may occur when multiple chemicals are all having the same or similar effects at once: for example, mercury, lead, and PCBs may all damage neurological development. Potentiation occurs when one chemical helps another chemical do its damage, perhaps by helping to transport it into areas of the cell where it is dangerous, or by shutting down a protective mechanism.
The public probably needs to start understanding what some of these high-falutin' toxicological terms mean. Synergistic effects may occur when multiple chemicals are all having the same or similar effects at once: for example, mercury, lead, and PCBs may all damage neurological development. Potentiation occurs when one chemical helps another chemical do its damage, perhaps by helping to transport it into areas of the cell where it is dangerous, or by shutting down a protective mechanism.
Then we need to turn knowledge into action. First,
funding further study would serve two important purposes: it would allay
the worries raised by concepts like "awash in chemicals." And if there
is no risk, or an acceptable risk, knowing that would calm us, and help
us prioritize more important issues. When we do find suspicions building
about a bad actor, like the recent case of BPA, we need to regulate
first and study later -- the precautionary principle must outweigh the
free market principle.
Second, we must acknowledge that all of our
development concepts and regulations are based on false assumptions.
Chemicals do not simply serve their purpose and then go away. And some
chemicals may have effects at diminishingly small levels: knowing which
chemicals to worry about will help us to regulate the bad guys while
keeping our economy and modern lifestyle, highly dependent upon the
magic of chemicals, in good shape too. For women, and the men who love
them, remaining active in the fight to renew chemical control legislation could help channel stressful worry into productive, engaged activity.
finally, we can try to protect the newborns coming into this world of
chemicals from unecessary exposures. Use the products that have real
benefits: soothing diaper rash, vaccinating against terrible diseases
that are nearly but not fully stamped out, preserving teenagers from
scarring acne. Protect your children from the exposures that are simply
without benefit, like pre-menstrual girls lathered in make-up. And for
the cases where chemicals are nice-to-have, but not need-to-have,
remember that these young children will be the subject of the next
generation of tests on what we have allowed into our bodies, and they
themselves will consider having children someday. Let us hope that by
the time today's newborns are expecting, we have better answers that we
can offer today.