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懷孕,每一位女性最期待、最渴盼的幸福時光,擁有一生中最驕傲、最美麗的曲線。 當獲知自己體內有一個小生命開始孕育的那個時刻起,一種由衷而生的激情,一種莊嚴神聖的感覺便會湧上心頭。從此,心頭上有了一份牽掛,生活中有了一種希冀。從此,身體的每一根神經都牽掛于那個在肚子裡慢慢成長的神奇生命。懷孕女人的內心,驚喜和驚愕同在 — 驚喜于一個生命的到來,驚愕于對自己身體的無知。在這美麗動人的 40 周歷程中,相伴准媽媽的不僅是將為人母的喜悅和驕傲,還有很多麻煩和疑慮時時在困擾。怎樣輕鬆、平安、順利地走過孕育小寶貝的生命歷程?這是每一位將為人母者所迫切想知道的。嬌姐伴隨准媽媽從妊娠第一周到最後一周。告訴准媽媽自身的變化、胎兒的生長髮育、准媽媽的日常飲食營養以及在生活中應該注意的事項,全方位細心呵護准媽媽和寶寶一起成長的每一天,伴隨准媽媽和寶寶在妊娠中的每一分鐘。 嬌姐將告訴准媽媽在孕期中不知道的、想知道的、應該知道的一切,打消您在孕育過程中的全部顧慮,使您輕鬆愉快地度過一段奇妙之旅。相信從懷孕到初為人母的這段經歷必將成為您一生中最美妙的回憶。 不一樣的孕育,不一樣的未來! GITZEL GIULITTE FACEBOOK 專頁,同時會有好多各形各色的資訊從中西醫護到格價 和8卦 0野睇嫁任妳選擇, 你一定唔會覺得悶呢 !.... 如果讀者對嬌姐部落格blog尚算滿意, 懇請大家高抬貴手,幫幫手按 LIKE 同時分享比你嘅朋友; 嬌姐從事陪月多年, 擁有各前僱主的推薦信,推薦信內容同時可為閣下提供愚蒙在性格特徵​​技能上的側寫作為參考,可讓閣下作出評估 ,希望取得共識和合作機會。丞蒙閣下賞識與敝人聯絡面談, 定會是敝人的榮幸 。OUR WEBSITE : http://tiny.cc/gitzelgiu PLEASE HELP AND SHARE GITZEL GIULIETTE 。 唔該晒. 嬌姐支持要求政府維護本港醫療、福利及教育資源 。 祝妳快樂!歲歲平安,安居樂業。業和邦興,興旺發達。大吉大利。遊刃有餘,青春永駐。嬌陪月團隊專線 +852-61596793 ! Start | Stop
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2011年11月14日 星期一

Hollywood's 7 Greenest and Darn Cute Celebrity Babies

Photo via Green Living

Some celebrity parents go gaga for silly names; others green baby gear. The crazy-name game is beyond our scope, but we do applaud Hollywood’s penchant for raising eco-conscious tots. Seems when the maternal instinct kicks in, even the most gold-minded star’s heart turns green. Yes, stars can afford to buy the best eco-everything--but let’s not be haters. Instead, it's refreshing to see celebs wanting to make a positive difference. So on the heels of the big news of our new site dedicated to everything for the TreeHugger tot,  here are seven celebrity babies who we hope will use their rich eco-beginnings to sustain a greener future.

1. Julia Roberts and Son Henry Daniel Moder

Photo left via 24 Time Pass. Photo right via The Insider

This 2-year old is one lucky tot! Not only is his mom America’s sweetheart, Julia Roberts, but he and his twins sibs, Hazel and Phinnaeus, are also being raised in a green environment. Mom Julia is totally into the hip eco-lifestyle and is making sure her kids are too. The actress is not only feeding her family organic food, but also growing it. Julia tells People magazine:
The children love it and I think it’s the best training for them. I think when children know their food sources they’re more inclined to eat what they’re growing because they’re so proud of it. To watch my kids eat kale is a pretty proud moment for me as a mom.

2. Jessica Alba and Daughter Honor Marie Warren

Photo via Celebrity Gossip

The daughter of actress Jessica Alba and her hubby Cash is one green baby. This 9 ½ month-old-baby is decked out in organic baby wear and sleeps soundly in top-notch Sage Creek organic crib sheets. Jessica vowed to be a green mommy, adding, "I drive a Prius and I try to recycle as much as I can. I bought a house, and I’m doing all eco-renovations." Prior to baby Honor’s birth, Jessica dropped big bucks on the ultimate green nursery with designer Kari Whitman.
I wanted to make this environment as non-toxic as possible. When I was doing research on furniture, I thought NurseryWorks was really cute. I told them I wanted formaldehyde-free wood and low-VOC paints.

3. Matthew McConaughey and Son Levi Alves's Buried Placenta

Photo left via vb.ozq8.com. Photo right via The Insider.

With two beach-loving parents, like actor Matthew McConaughey and Brazilian beauty Camila Alves, seems Levi is destined for a crunchy green childhood. Impending fatherhood inspired Matthew to get a green ‘tude. The actor whose motto is ‘just keep living’ also applied that earthy cred to his son’s placenta. He saved the placenta to plant it in an orchard. In an interview with CNN, the actor says he was inspired to do this after visiting Australia and seeing a tree that had grown with the placenta of a tribe of Aboriginals. "It’s going to be in the orchards, and it’s going to bear some wonderful fruit," says Matthew.

4. Nicole Kidman and Sunday Rose Urban's Locally-Grown Veggies


Thankfully for little Sunday Rose, glam mom Nicole Kidman ditched the crazed Hollywood life for a more peaceful one on a Nashville farm. Nicole and her hubby Keith Urban want their daughter to be raised in a simple and sustainable environment. As part of their country living, Nicole reveals to Vogue Magazine, she’s started to become more self-sufficient on their ranch.
I have an organic vegetable garden. This is a path I’d not taken before. My mum’s always gardened. My sister gardens. And I’ve now conformed to the Kidman women’s hobby of gardening.
Photo via The Age

5. Halle Berry and Daughter Nahla Ariela Aubry's Luxe Green Nursery

Photo via The Insider

Ok, so baby Nahla scored big time in the gene pool with gorgeous parents Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry. But beautiful and famous parents aren’t her only blessed beginnings. Mommy Halle is devoted to giving her baby girl an eco-friendly home life. The couple spent $60,000 putting together the ultimate environmentally sound nursery. Plus, Halle's a big fan of organic disposable diapers. She tells People magazine’s Web site, "There are so many things out now that you can use. I’m going to really try hard to make it all organic."

6. Kelly Ruherford and Son Hermes Gustaf Daniel's Toxic-Free Home:

This little guy is growing up to be mommy’s little helper. Gossip Girl star Kelly Rutherford, who’s currently her expecting her second child, says her son is already a big help around the house. Unlike most young tots, Hermes likes to help clean up and thankfully he’s learning to do it in a toxic-free way. His mom, a big greenie, uses Seventh Generation’s toxic-free products.
Hermes loves to help clean--kids love to do whatever you do. He sees me spraying things and I like the Swiffer, so we do a lot of Swiffering. He loves to help me and I never fear that if he does go under the sink, he’s going to get sick from chemicals in cleaning products.

7. Soleil Moon Frye and Daughter Jagger Joseph Blue Goldberg

Photo left bia Babble. Photo right via The Insider.

Ok, so this baby girl has got a mouthful for a name, but mom Soleil Moon Frye made up for it with major access to all things green. The actress-mom (and former star of Punky Brewster) is co-owner of L.A.'s hip eco-friendly baby store, Little Seed. The store is one-stop eco-shopping for bedding, skincare, toys, and all things baby. So, it's no surprise Jagger arrived into this world equipped with all the right green goods. The actress revealed to People Magazine's Celebrity Baby Blog,

I was trying to figure out which would be more eco-friendly; to use all of her (first daughter) Poet's stuff, or get everything new from the store. So I did a little of both. I used Poet's changing table and armoire. I got an eco-friendly crib from the store, and all organic bedding...And a bunch of other goodies from the store, like rattles and teething toys.

