How well do you know the infertility symptoms?
Sadly, some men and women won’t even realize that they are infertile until a very late age, deeming it well too late for some to try for a baby. This can be an emotionally trying and draining process, as a lot of couples who turn out to be infertile are some of the most eager parents in the world.
However, an in-depth knowledge of the main symptoms of infertility might change that. By knowing the red flags that may indicate infertility, couples can seek medical advice and treatment sooner rather than later, giving them a higher chance of reversing the condition and thus increase their chances of conceiving a baby while they are still able to.
One of the most telling symptoms of infertility is an irregular period. If you notice that your periods are either extremely short or ridiculously long (less than 24 days or well over 35 days per cycle), then you may need to seek medical advice immediately. Sometimes, irregular periods often point to a more serious condition, one of which is an ovulation problem.
When you have a problem ovulating, then your chances of conceiving become slimmer as the best time to try for a baby is during the peak of your ovulation, which, for a normal 28-day cycle, normally occurs on the fourteenth day.
If you also observe that during your period you experience unusually heavy bleeding and cramping, this may be another one of those symptoms of infertility that you may need to get checked right away. Also monitor the changes in bleeding every month, especially if they vary in quantity and quality.
However, this symptom can also be an indication of other related conditions, such as endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (POS) and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).
Your weight, believe it or not, can also be a hindrance to conceiving-if you are either overweight or underweight, coupled with a lack of exercise and poor eating habits, can also result to poor fertility. This is why it is important to always maintain a healthy diet and get involved in regular physical exercise that you are likely to enjoy.
By doing so, you increase your chances of conceiving and look after your health at the same time.
If you have also had recurrent miscarriages in the past, this can be one of the symptoms of infertility. Having one miscarriage should be normal, but if you have had consistent miscarriages in your past attempts to conceive a baby, then this should be taken on with a lot of medical advice and testing.
This is often a sign that you are infertile and are unable to create a conducive environment for conceiving and growing a baby.
All of these and more are just some of the symptoms of infertility to watch out for. If you stay informed and aware of these changes, your chances of changing the condition or doing something about it increase. Don’t wait until you are too old to have a baby to take action.
Assess yourself now and if you find yourself in any of these tough spots, see your doctor immediately.