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2013年7月22日 星期一

Royal Family: announced the name of the royal baby

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Royal Baby Name Has Been Announced

Prince William and Kate Middleton have announced the name of the royal baby, and it will make a lot of British bettors very happy!
Prince George
The last detail we've been waiting for has been revealed: the name of the royal baby!
Kensington Palace and Clarence House announced that Prince William and the former Kate Middleton have named the royal baby…
George Alexander Louis!

The tot, who is third in line to the throne after his grandfather, Prince Charles, and father, Prince William, was given the title Prince of Cambridge before he was even born. His first name will make a lot of British bettors some nice cash, as it was one of the top guesses among gamblers.
Baby George was born just two days ago but he is already making his first outing. The family drove away from Kensington Palace earlier today and was later spotted arriving at the country home of Kate's parents in Bucklebury, about an hour from London.

Michael and Carole Middleton met their grandson for the first time at St Mary's Hospital yesterday, followed by Prince Charles and Camilla, just a few hours before the royal baby was introduced to the world.

Queen Elizabeth met her great-grandson earlier today, but Prince Philip, who has been in ill health recently, is said to be waiting for a visit at Balmoral later in the summer. Other family members who have already greeted the little prince include James and Pippa Middleton and Prince Harry, who are believed to have met the baby at Kensington Palace yesterday.

What's in a name? The history behind George Alexander Louis

 Hail to the (future) king!

The world got its first glimpse of William and Kate's newborn baby Tuesday on the steps of St. Mary's hospital in London. The day-old prince, swaddled in a blanket, already looked to be waving to the crowd.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge did not reveal the baby's name – preferring to wait, much as William's parents, Charles and Diana, did 31 years ago in delaying the revelation of his name for several days.

"We're still working on a name," William told reporters gathered outside the hospital.

Stepping out of the hospital to cheers, Kate wore a bespoke cornflower blue crepe-de-chine dress by British designer, Jenny Packham, while her husband William wore a matching color blue button-down shirt.

Pausing to answer questions from the crowd, William said of his new son, "He's good a got pair of lungs that's for sure, he's a big boy." He added, when the question came up, "Her looks, thankfully."

As for the baby's hair, "He has way more than me, thank God," said his father.

"He's done his first nappy [diaper]," Kate said of the proud dad.

It was the first of innumerable photo opps for this most regal infant. And of course it begs the question: Who does he look like?!

In a statement from the Palace, the young couple continued to thank the hospital staff – just as they did earlier that day.

"Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge will be discharged this evening from St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their son will travel home to Kensington Palace. Their Royal Highnesses would like to reiterate their thanks to the hospital for the care and treatment they have all received."

Prince Charles and Camilla Visit Royal Baby in Hospital

 After the Middletons visited Baby Cambridge on Tuesday, next up were Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

Charles, 64, and Camilla, 66, arrived at St. Mary's Hospital's Lindo Wing around 5:25 p.m., where they were greeted by hospital staff.

The couple both waved at the media who've been camped across the road for days. Charles, with a broad smile, asked if the camera crews had been waiting long.

Carole and Michael Middleton visited the newborn for an hour and spoke briefly to the press throng outside upon exiting.

"He's absolutely beautiful," said his grandmother, who spoke for herself and her husband.

Referring to her daughter and the baby, Carole Middleton said, "They are both doing well. We are absolutely thrilled."

Can't get enough about the royal baby? Be among the first to know the news! Sign up below for our daily newsletter to find out about the new addition and other special offers – so you'll be the first to know everything from the baby's name and sex to how the new mom and dad are adjusting to parenting.
Prince William's wife, Kate, has been admitted to the hospital in the early stages of labor, palace officials said Monday.
Royal officials said that Kate travelled by car to St. Mary's Hospital in central London with Prince William. Kate — also known as the Duchess of Cambridge — is expected to give birth in the private Lindo Wing of the hospital, where Princess Diana gave birth to William and his younger brother, Prince Harry. She will be looked after by a top-notch medical team led by royal gynecologist Dr. Marcus Setchell.
The baby will be third in line for the British throne, and should eventually succeed grandfather Charles and father William as king or queen of Britain and 15 other countries including Canada and Australia.
But little else is known about the eagerly awaited royal baby, from how it will arrive to its gender or its name.
Kate — formally known as the Duchess of Cambridge — is expected to deliver in the private Lindo Wing of the hospital, where Princess Diana gave birth to William and his younger brother, Prince Harry. It is not clear if she will have a natural birth or deliver by a planned cesarean section.
Royal watchers must wait to be told of the baby's arrival from the palace, which is planning to reveal the news through a mixture of tradition and social media.
Palace officials have said that the first hint will come when a royal aide emerges from the hospital with a signed bulletin carrying the Buckingham Palace letterhead. The bulletin will be given to an official who will be driven to Buckingham Palace, where it will be posted on an easel in public view in front of the building.
Britain Royal Baby.JPEG
At the same time the bulletin is posted, there will be an official announcement on Twitter and the media will be formally notified. The document will give the baby's gender, weight and time of birth.
It could be some time before the baby's name is made public. When William was born, a week passed before his name was announced. Charles's name remained a mystery for an entire month.
But it is the baby's gender that is of particular interest because the prospect of Kate's pregnancy prompted a change to laws of succession to ensure a daughter would not be passed over for the crown by a younger brother. Boy or girl, the child will be third in line to the throne and the prospective future monarch.
The birth of a new heir to the throne has been breathlessly anticipated since William and Kate wed on April 29, 2011, in a lavish ceremony at Westminster Abbey.
When news of a royal pregnancy was announced, there was rejoicing in many households in Britain and throughout the world.
Despite a rough start to the pregnancy, when she was hospitalized for acute morning sickness, the 31-year-old Kate made a number of public appearances that were halted only near the end of her term.
Since the duchess has cut back on her royal duties, media outlets have been clamoring for position outside of the hospital in anticipation of the birth, jockeying to secure the best vantage point for filming William and Kate emerging, babe in arms.
Officials have said that William plans to take two weeks' paternity leave and then return to his military duties as a search-and-rescue helicopter pilot in Wales.
His tour of duty is scheduled to wrap up around September, and he and Kate are expected to move from their isolated cottage on the island of Anglesey off the coast of Wales to Kensington Palace in central London.
But major refurbishment works at the palace likely won't be finished until at least a month or two after the infant is born — meaning that William and Kate will most likely have to make do with their current temporary home in London, a two-bedroom property at the palace.
Come autumn, however, the family will be able to move into their permanent London home, Apartment 1a at Kensington Palace — a four-story house with a nursery, 20 rooms and a private garden.

William and Kate's via @PeopleMag
 PHOTOS: Kate cradles her growing bump
 PHOTOS: Kate and the royal baby bump


 With their baby due any day now, Prince William and Kate are home in London at Kensington Palace on Saturday morning as they wait out the final hours of Kate's pregnancy.

The couple are thought to have come from the Middleton family home in Bucklebury, about 55 miles west of London, so they can be closer to the private Lindo Wing of St. Mary's hospital, where Kate expects to give birth.

Their office will not confirm the couple's whereabouts but says they will only do so when Kate, 31, has entered the hospital.

St. Mary's is just two miles from their home at Nottingham Cottage within the Kensington Palace compound.


Six Places Kate Middleton Shops for Her Royal Baby

 If we know anything about the royal baby, it's this: That little one will see no shortage of clothes, toys and other goods fit for a king (or queen, of course!).

With the Duchess of Cambridge due to welcome her first child with Prince William in July, the mom-to-be clearly has motherhood in the (shopping) bag.

So what's in store for the eventual heir to the throne? Here are six shops where Middleton, 31, has been stocking up in preparation for her new addition.


Looks like the royal baby will inherit Mom's style sensibility. The exclusive childrenswear store, situated in the heart of Chelsea on Middleton's favorite shopping street, Kings Road, also offers a hairdressing service in which first trims are rewarded with a certificate for bravery. "Kate has been in here several times," a shop assistant tells PEOPLE, noting that her visits were pre-pregnancy and likely for gifts. "She always bought clothes when she came in."

Peter Jones

She's a regular! The Duchess has stopped by her favorite department store on Sloane Square several times, including a recent trip in which she eyed a beige stroller, rocking chairs and car seats. "She was just like any pregnant lady preparing for a baby," a shop owner told PEOPLE in May.

Blue Almonds

When her little one is sleeping like a baby, the Duchess can thank this chic furniture shop. Among her purchases last month at the boutique: a wicker crib, owner Iza Minkiewicz tells PEOPLE. "She was so nice," she says. "It was completely unexpected." And the soon-to-be mama took a very special companion along for the shopping trip: her own mom, Carole Middleton, who "acted as a trusted advisor."

Nursery Window

Kate also took her mom to this boutique, specializing in luxurious clothing, fabrics and furniture, on London's baby-shop-bustling Walton Street. "They were happily browsing. Carole was chatting away to the owner," the sales assistant who helped the Duchess tells PEOPLE. "She bought bits and bobs, accessories mostly and some clothing too."

Bernard Thorp

Not only will the royal baby have an enviable wardrobe, but he or she will have a top-notch nursery to call home in Kensington Palace. Kate hit the high-end décor shop on Tuesday, reportedly picking out beige and brown handmade fabrics, according to the U.K.'s Daily Mail.

Dragons Of Walton Street

A favorite of Princess Diana's, this luxury children furniture store designed both Prince Harry and William's nurseries. However, Kate's shopping trip was short and sweet. "It's very, very expensive and quite old-fashioned," a neighboring shop owner tells PEOPLE.

With reporting by SIMON PERRY and MONIQUE JESSEN

PHOTOS: Duchess Kate's Royally Chic Bump


Kate Middleton Baby Stores: Where The Duchess Of Cambridge Shops For Royal Heir

With the imminent arrival of the royal heir, Kate Middleton has been shopping up a storm for her baby.
The Duchess of Cambridge, who is due to give birth to her and Prince William's first child in July, has a few favourite baby shops she likes to frequent.
Earlier in June, Duchess Kate was spotted at high-end interiors store Bernard Thorp in London, choosing beige and brown fabrics, wallpaper and a dark beige and terracotta herringbone sofa cover to outfit the Kensington Palace baby nursery. (No blues or pinks for the future third-in-line to the throne!)
Middleton has also been shopping at Trotters, a fancy childrenswear and accessories store, which is conveniently located near Kensington Palace on Kensington High Street in London.
"Kate has been in here several times," a shop assistant told People magazine. "She always bought clothes when she came in."
The store, which ships to Canada, includes cozy knitwear cardigans, pink tutus, cupcake lipgloss and soft, cuddly toys. Wonder what Her Royal Hotness bought for her heir or heiress!
Kate Cambridge also visits luxury childrens furniture store, the awesomely named Dragons of Walton Street which sells (get ready for it) Beatrix Potter cribs, nightstands, chests and pencil boxes.
Kate and Will's wee royal will be one stylish baby!
Now that Catherine is on maternity leave (her last public appearance was at the Trooping the Colour last week), the 31-year-old has plenty of time to prepare for the grand arrival, which will take place in the Lindo Wing of St. Mary’s Hospital in London, the same hospital where Will and Prince Harry were born.
As for the sex of the royal tot, the public will be notified of the baby's gender soon after the proud parents find out for themselves. (Maybe that's why Kate is opting for neutral colours for her nursery.)
We can't wait to meet the newest arrival to the royal family!


Pregnant Kate Middleton Shops for Blue Nursery Decor in London

Kate Middleton is heading into the home stretch—so it's high time her baby's nursery is in order, be it for a boy or for a girl!
The pregnant royal, who is due to give birth to her first child with Prince William in July, was spotted shopping for nursery decor at fabric- and wallpaper-design store Bernard Thorp & Co. on Chelsea Manor Street in London.
But what's even more interesting than Middleton looking as lovely as ever in a blue dress, fuchsia cardigan and stylish-yet-sensible wedges?

An eyewitness said that the Duchess of Cambridge spent 45 minutes picking out blue prints for the nursery walls and drapes.
Well, then.
The royal family has of course kept mum on the gender of Queen Elizabeth II's third great-grandchild, while every other day reports come up with good excuses to label the still-gestating child either a boy or a girl.
But we shall continue to wait and see!
Kate Middleton, Duchess Catherine SIMPSON/BUSHELL
Kate Middleton, Duchess Catherine SIMPSON/BUSHELL

Dan Kitwood/Getty Images Kate Middleton is one pretty, pretty pregnant princess!
And Prince Williams not too bad himself. The royal parents-to-be were all smiles Tuesday as they headed into London's Westminster Abbey to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation.

Kate, wearing a pale peach empire-waist dress and matching loose-fitting open coat by Jenny Packham, cradled her baby bump as she walked alongside her dapperly dressed hubby. The demure-looking duchess also wore an ornate fascinator and her beloved nude pumps.
As much as we love Kate's maternity fashion, we're really looking forward to getting a glimpse of the royal baby. Who wants to bet he or she will be one well-dressed kid?

Kate Middelton Neil P. Mockford/FilmMagic
Kate Middleton Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images

Despite reports on Friday that the royals had left Bucklebury, police protection officers were back at the gates of the Middletons' manor house in the late evening.

But there is no visible security at the home on Saturday.

William is now using up vacation time rather than going back to North Wales for his next round of shifts as a helicopter rescue pilot. He is expected to be on parental leave once the baby is born.

Kate Middleton & Prince William Will Make Great Team As Parents

Kate and William both had unique childhoods, so when their baby does come (which could be at any moment!), a royal expert states that their parenting styles are going to complement each other perfectly!

Kate Middleton and Prince William aren’t your average royal couple. They’ve already shown that they won’t be just a traditional duo, and in a new interview, royal expert Marcia Moody explains how Kate and William’s specific experiences growing up will positively influence the way they raise their royal baby.

Prince William Will Take After Princess Diana As A Parent

Marcia, the author of Kate: A Biography, cites William’s mother, Princess Diana, and says that William will likely mirror her modern parenting style. “There are so many things that she changed actually, it’s incredible,” Marcia says of Diana in an interview with Us Weekly. “The extent is quite extraordinary.”
She explains more:
Diana wanted her boys to mix with other children, not just be inside palace walls… They were out in public a lot more than royal children had been before. Diana would take them to amusement parks, she’d take them to McDonald’s, on the Tube, on a London bus. They would often be out and about and sometimes people would not even know who they were.
Marcia believes William will adopt his mother’s strategy and integrate his royal child into normal, everyday situations to make sure he or she is more in touch with the rest of the world.

Kate Middleton Will Show Her Child The World Outside Of London

As for what Kate brings to the table as a mother, Marcia says that her countryside childhood in Bucklebury will perfectly complement William’s city boy sensibility. “Kate’s parents weren’t in London society, they lived in the countryside and Kate grew up in the countryside, so I think that will be a huge part of the new baby’s life,” the author explains.
All of this results in a well-rounded child; a high born kid who will be well-attuned to the world and exceptionally equipped to handle the responsibilities of being royal-born.
But was there really ever any doubt that Kate and William are going to make great parents?

Kate Middleton’s Nursery: Inside The High-End Baby Room

Whenever the royal baby finally arrives, he or she is guaranteed to live a life of luxury, and it sounds like the nursery will do just that. As she waits to give birth, Kate is preparing a trendy room fit for a prince or princess!

Now that Kate Middleton‘s original due date has passed, it’s only a matter of time until the royal baby is here. In the mean time, Kate is setting up the nursery, and it sounds like quite the room for royalty to be raised!

Inside Kate Middleton’s Trendy Nursery

Kate, who became incredibly famous for her adorably fashionable outfits, is undoubtedly incorporating her chic style in her baby’s nursery.

“Kate’s decorating style is actually very similar to her dressing style. She likes very simple, very classic, very elegant things,” royal expert Victoria Murphy told ABC News.
She has been spotted shopping for nursery decor at high-end London boutiques, like Blue Almonds and Peter Jones Department store, according to E!

On top of her store choices, she may have even hired interior designer Kelly Hoppen to help her out with all of the lavish decorating. Kelly has worked with Queen Elizabeth II and Victoria and David Beckham, so if she is helping Kate decorate, her baby is bound to have one stylish nursery!

Kate Middleton: Did She Shop For Gender-Revealing Decor?

While shopping for nursery items at a high-end interiors shop, Bernard Thorp & Co., Kate was seen eyeing blue fabrics and patterns, which made fans curious that she might be shopping for a boy. But rather than purchasing the blues, Kate selected gender-neutral tones since she nor husband Prince William knows their baby’s gender!
Some of the items she has already picked out are reportedly herringbone pattern with brown and soft sage, which sounds like a classy way to please both a little boy or a little girl.
Kate has also been photographed carrying a white wicker Moses basket, which retails at $450. This baby definitely won’t be lacking luxury!



Depp: Fatherhood Is "Greatest Ride Ever"

Johnny Depp's a father of two and has offered his advice to Prince William, saying how fatherhood is the "greatest ride ever"...
31-year-old Prince William and his wife, Catherine, have just recently welcomed their first child, a son, into the world. Johnny Depp gives advice to Prince William
Celebrities worldwide have been showing their excitement and offering their parenting advice. The latest to offer advice is actor and father, Johnny Depp.
Depp has two children with his ex-partner Vanessa Paradis and is a very family-orientated man. The star offered his advice to Britain's Prince William, saying that fatherhood is the "greatest ride ever."
Depp believes that Prince William will enjoy having a family as much as he does.
"I would say the same thing to any pop, you know," he told the UK TV show Daybreak, after being asked to give Prince William advice on fatherhood.
"The best thing — the only thing you can do —first of all it's the greatest thing you will ever experience, without question. It's the greatest ride ever. The best thing you can do is just love them and be there."
Bruce Willis has also offered his advice to the royals and he seems to know a thing or two about parenting, having raised three daughters with ex-wife Demi Moore. Willis became a father for the fourth time, last year, with his wife Emma Heming.
Willis' advice was, "Stay home for the first year, don't go anywhere, just be there," he smiled. "Play with that baby every day. They will be very good at it, they seem like really cool people."
William and Catherine — whose son was born at St Mary’s Hospital in London on Monday — already seem thrilled with parenthood, having released a statement that read that they "could not be happier."
Even The Muppets have had their say about the royal baby’s birth — adding a little humor to the situation — Miss Piggy admitted the announcement has left her wanting a child of her own.
"Kermit, it's so exciting, Kate is a mommy and Prince William is a daddy and there is a new royal baby boy... it kind of makes me want to have a royal child of my own, what about you, Kermit?" she asked her long-term partner during a TV interview. "Can't you just hear the pitter-patter of tiny tadpole feet?"
Kermit responded, "Tadpoles don’t have feet…. Congratulations William and Catherine."
We agree with Kermit the Frog's sentiments, congratulations to William and Catherine.

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