- Prescription medications
Take along a copy of the prescriptions and your doctor's phone number, just in case (although some pharmacies accept only local prescriptions). Include a medicine dropper or oral syringe, too. - Thermometer
Most digital thermometers can be used in the mouth, in the armpit, or rectally. - Baby acetaminophen or ibuprofen
Lowers fever and eases pain. - Liquid soap
Get the gel kind that doesn't require water. Useful for cleaning up scrapes as well as messy diaper changes when your child has diarrhea. - Antibiotic ointment
Helps heal cuts and scrapes and keeps them from becoming infected. - Sterile bandages
You might also include sterile gauze pads to clean up scrapes and stop bleeding. - Tweezers
Remove splinters or ticks. - Sunscreen and lip protection
Use on babies 6 months and older and in small amounts (on the face and back of the hands) in babies under 6 months. Look for SPF 15 or higher with UVA and UVB protection. - Insect repellent
Use repellent with DEET (up to 30 percent) or picaridin on babies 2 months and older. - Calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream
Soothes insect bites, rashes, and sunburn. - Cold pack
Reduces swelling from bumps, bites, and minor burns. Get the kind you just squeeze to start the cooling reaction. - First-aid pocket guide
Try Janet Zand's Parent's Guide to Medical Emergencies. - Electrolyte replacement solution
Helps prevent diarrhea-related dehydration. Some brands are made just for babies. Available in most pharmacies.
一個新生命的誕生會帶給每個家庭很多歡樂和笑聲,自古以來,弄璋弄瓦之喜是一件大喜事. 母親的愛,小生命得以開始、誕生和. 成長。小生命誕生是天主給予家庭的賞賜。在嬰孩整個成長過程中,肩負著重要的使命; 因此,在照顧嬰兒的同時,產後護理對產婦日後健康是十分重要的,資深陪月達人幫助,能助產婦盡快適應產後新生活。初為人母的年青一族,懷著既興奮又緊張的心情,迎接新的生命來臨;但隨之而來的一連串問題,BB日後的照顧護理、產婦的妊娠期、產前和產後的起居飲食,也會令他們不知所措。優質的產前準備、產婦膳食: 產前食療, 產後食療、產後護理、為產婦調理身體 , 是BB 優質生活的開始, 因為母親的健康與BB 相互相承. 孕育小生命背後須要注意不少: Gitzel Giuliette 嬌姐 也是孕婦資訊網誌:一站式專業材料文章陪伴你渡過你的四十周二百八十天, 令你胸有成竹的面對未有準備的突發變化.. 用嬌姐多年心得, 經驗,資料搜集等,從準備懷孕的一刻開始, 細細跟你分享.
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2012年5月13日 星期日
First-aid kit checklist
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