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懷孕,每一位女性最期待、最渴盼的幸福時光,擁有一生中最驕傲、最美麗的曲線。 當獲知自己體內有一個小生命開始孕育的那個時刻起,一種由衷而生的激情,一種莊嚴神聖的感覺便會湧上心頭。從此,心頭上有了一份牽掛,生活中有了一種希冀。從此,身體的每一根神經都牽掛于那個在肚子裡慢慢成長的神奇生命。懷孕女人的內心,驚喜和驚愕同在 — 驚喜于一個生命的到來,驚愕于對自己身體的無知。在這美麗動人的 40 周歷程中,相伴准媽媽的不僅是將為人母的喜悅和驕傲,還有很多麻煩和疑慮時時在困擾。怎樣輕鬆、平安、順利地走過孕育小寶貝的生命歷程?這是每一位將為人母者所迫切想知道的。嬌姐伴隨准媽媽從妊娠第一周到最後一周。告訴准媽媽自身的變化、胎兒的生長髮育、准媽媽的日常飲食營養以及在生活中應該注意的事項,全方位細心呵護准媽媽和寶寶一起成長的每一天,伴隨准媽媽和寶寶在妊娠中的每一分鐘。 嬌姐將告訴准媽媽在孕期中不知道的、想知道的、應該知道的一切,打消您在孕育過程中的全部顧慮,使您輕鬆愉快地度過一段奇妙之旅。相信從懷孕到初為人母的這段經歷必將成為您一生中最美妙的回憶。 不一樣的孕育,不一樣的未來! GITZEL GIULITTE FACEBOOK 專頁,同時會有好多各形各色的資訊從中西醫護到格價 和8卦 0野睇嫁任妳選擇, 你一定唔會覺得悶呢 !.... 如果讀者對嬌姐部落格blog尚算滿意, 懇請大家高抬貴手,幫幫手按 LIKE 同時分享比你嘅朋友; 嬌姐從事陪月多年, 擁有各前僱主的推薦信,推薦信內容同時可為閣下提供愚蒙在性格特徵​​技能上的側寫作為參考,可讓閣下作出評估 ,希望取得共識和合作機會。丞蒙閣下賞識與敝人聯絡面談, 定會是敝人的榮幸 。OUR WEBSITE : http://tiny.cc/gitzelgiu PLEASE HELP AND SHARE GITZEL GIULIETTE 。 唔該晒. 嬌姐支持要求政府維護本港醫療、福利及教育資源 。 祝妳快樂!歲歲平安,安居樂業。業和邦興,興旺發達。大吉大利。遊刃有餘,青春永駐。嬌陪月團隊專線 +852-61596793 ! Start | Stop
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2012年4月20日 星期五


To Florence, and to all the ladies who are still "single",
Deregarding the piling  shit loads of negative information with the production of the smasher show , Bride Wannabe 盛女愛作戰;   (and in my very humble opinion , the theme was somewhat putting the cart before the horse, they were delivering some  misleading messages   ) --   I wanna say to you LADIES, all our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.  NEED NOT  TO BE DISCOURAGED, believe in yourself and  all that you are.
 " flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success. People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing." 
by Dale Carnegie

What's wrong with being single? A whole lot if you go by what you see around you. Whether you visit a bookstore or a library, watch television, go to the movies, listen to friends and family, adopt the values of society, or read the newspaper, messages about couplehood prevail. Little is spoken about being single, except as a condition to avoid like the plague. In the dawn of a new millennium, it's time to say what being single is really all about.

Visit any bookstore and you'll find dozens of books about relationships; how to keep them together, how to grieve the loss of a loved one, how to find and keep the "perfect" mate, how to satisfy your lover sexually, and the list goes on and on. Rarely will you find books on being single unless they relate to healing some aspect of yourself in preparation for a relationship.
Or, to take time alone to discover why you're scaring people away. The majority of movies, soap operas, daytime talk shows and television dramas revolve around love relationships. Boy meets girl, boy beats up bad guys to save girl, boy marries girl and lives happily ever after are all stock images served up by Hollywood. Even action films try to sneak in sexual tension between the protagonists. Sexless soap operas do not exist. There's so much steam, it's pornographic. Every talk show has a weekly episode that examines relationships. Jerry Springer is renowned for sensationalizing combating couples while Oprah prefers to concentrate on deepening existing relationships.

Even newspapers, whose primary purpose is to inform citizens of world events include a personals section with want-ads of lonely singles desperately seeking a mate. Cities are littered with singles clubs and discotheques that aim to pair people up, even if it's just for a one-night stand. Society expects every man and woman to wed, preferably before the age of 30, and to have at least one child (two is perfect). Even though the term "old maid" is no longer politically correct, many still respond with surprise if an older woman remains unhitched. Single women are supposed to date regularly. If not, friends, family, and coworkers love to set singles up with blind dates (and we all know how satisfying those are). The message couldn't be clearer. It's not okay to be alone. Sometimes, singles are excluded from "couples" nights or activities or they're advised to "bring a friend."

Being in a loving relationship has its benefits, no doubt about it. Someone to talk to at any given moment, someone to rub your sore shoulders after a hard day's work, someone to do things with, someone to keep you warm at night, someone to buy you gifts at Christmas time and Valentine's Day, someone to make you feel special, and someone to whisper "sweet nothings" in your ear. And don't forget, someone to satisfy those pervasive sexual desires. Financially, couples are better off than individuals, and child-rearing is a lot easier with two parents. Also, being in a relationship helps us feel "normal." You don't have to worry about playing the dating game or trying to figure yourself out (maybe); you're okay because someone else says you are. Right?

Is there anything wrong with being in a relationship? Of course not, if both parties feel the same way towards one another and share the same commitment, values, and goals. A relationship can be terrific if both people are in touch with who they and their partners are and are okay with being alone. A dyad is great if both people share honestly with each other and are relatively healthy (for who of us is totally healthy 100% of the time?). Couplehood can be marvelous as long as there is mutual respect and some communication and conflict- management skills. Unfortunately, few relationships share all of these points leaving many people dissatisfied. What about being single? Typically, society views it as being out of our control. If we're single, it's because someone left us or doesn't want us. Seldom seen as a choice, loneliness is more often seen as boring, depressing, sad, negative, and something to remain in for only a short period of time or to be altogether avoided if possible.

Socially inept recluses isolated in dimly lit rooms devoid of furniture and warmth, lacking friends and family, hating their jobs and life in general are the usual way in which single people are portrayed. Or, single people (typically men) are seen as bar flies, squandering money, buying outlandish gifts for themselves (to make up for dwindling self-confidence), and engaging in meaningless acts of sex with strangers. Either way, singles lack a positive image.

However, being single can be a life-saving, rejuvenating experience. In fact, one can't truly be successful in a relationship without being single for a time. Being single allows us to do what we want, when we want, and with whom we want without having to answer to anyone. Being single allows us to take full responsibility for paying our bills, cleaning and decorating, cooking our meals, planning our activities, and entertaining ourselves. It allows us the time to sit in quiet solitude, to run naked around the living room, to belch as loud as we want, and secretly watch shows that no one else would actually ever admit to watching. This is because we have more time on our hands and are not avoiding looking at ourselves by focusing our energies on someone else.

Basically, being single affords each of us the opportunity to discover who we are, what we do and don't like, how we deal with things, what we want out of life, what our expectations are, what our potentials and limitations are, what energizes and empowers us, and what discourages and disappoints us. The goal of being alone should not be to prepare us for couplehood. Rather, the goal of being single should be to learn to fulfill ourselves, to meet our needs, and to develop as a human being regardless of whether or not we choose to enter into a relationship. By learning to love and care for ourselves, we diminish the risk of starving for someone else to fill the void within our souls; a void that only we can truly fill. The purpose of entering into a relationship should be to share oneself with another person as opposed to trying to get from someone what is lacking in ourselves. Expecting someone else to fill in the gaps usually results in grave disappointments , a sense of failure, and endless resentment.

Being in an unhealthy relationship is no more admirable than being alone and isolated. However, choosing to be single can be just as satisfying (if not more so) than thriving in a healthy relationship. With the advent of increased divorces, delayed marriages, fewer births, and growing female independence, more and more people will find themselves single. So, why not make the most of it? Sit back, have a soda, and try belching as loud as you can! You'll never know what you can accomplish until you try!



Gitzel Giuliette Care

