How long should you breastfeed your baby? Only you and your baby will know for sure. Even if you breastfeed for just a few days, your baby will receive invaluable protection from infection. The health effects of breastfeeding accrue over time, so the longer you breastfeed, the better for your baby. Breastfeeding offers you benefits, too. The following information may help you decide:
- If your baby nurses for a few days, he will receive colostrum, the first milk. Called "nature's vaccine for the newborn," colostrum has a high concentration of antibodies, some of which babies cannot get any other way. Through these antibodies, each mother provides her baby with protection from illnesses she has had as well as illnesses she is exposed to in their environment for as long as she is breastfeeding. Although formulas are continuously being modified to be "most like mother's milk," they will always fall short, because human milk is a living fluid and it is these living properties that enhance the functioning of a baby's immune system. Colostrum is also easier to digest than the proteins in formula and is designed to meet baby's nutritional needs. You will also benefit from these early breastfeeding days. Breastfeeding helps a mother's body recover more quickly from childbirth by releasing hormones that contract the uterus and prevent excess bleeding. Breastfeeding is also a wonderful way to bring mother and baby closer while they're getting to know each other.
- If your baby nurses for four to six weeks, your milk will
ease your baby through the most critical part of infancy. As a mother's
milk changes from colostrum to a thinner, more mature and plentiful
milk, it continues to contain protective antibodies. That is why
breastfed newborns are less likely to become sick when an illness is
being passed among family members and have fewer digestive and
respiratory problems. Breastfed babies are rarely sick or hospitalized
and studies have found that pneumonia and meningitis, for example, are
at least four times less common among North American breastfeeding
babies under six-months than among their formula-feeding counterparts.
Breastfed babies are also less likely to suffer from bronchitis and
wheezing and less likely to die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Breastfeeding guarantees lots of holding and touching. The "mothering
hormone," prolactin, is produced every time you nurse, relaxing you and
helping you and your baby form a special bond. One study showed that at
one month, breastfeeding mothers were less anxious and felt closer to
their babies.
Breastfeeding saves money. Powdered, liquid concentrate, and ready-to-feed formulas vary in price, and depending on how much of each is used, breastfeeding for one month may save between $75 and $180, not counting bottles, artificial nipples, and other feeding paraphernalia. Special formulas for allergic babies cost at least two to three time more than regular formula.
- If your baby nurses for three to four months, he will be much
less likely to develop ear infections. A recent study found that babies
exclusively breastfed for at least four months develop half the ear
infections of babies on formula.
Breastfeeding makes it easier for mothers to shed the extra pounds
put on during pregnancy, and naturally mobilizes fat stores, even fat
accumulated before pregnancy. In one study, breastfeeding mothers lost
more weight when their babies were three to six months old than formula
feeding mothers consuming fewer calories.
You will find that breastfeeding simplifies life with a baby, no matter what his age. Time isn't diverted to the preparation of formula, and you can leave home without bringing bottles. Human milk does not stain, is not constipating, and a breastfed baby's bowel movements have less odor, making diaper changes more pleasant and baby sweeter smelling. Nighttime feedings are also easier. If your baby is kept close at night, you may not even have to get out of bed to feed him. Just tuck him in next to you and both of you can drift back to sleep while he nurses.
By four months, the family of the exclusively breastfed baby will save formula costs of between $300 and $720.
Breastfeeding provides reliable protection against pregnancy during the first six months when there is no menstrual bleeding, even among women who give occasional supplements. However, when a baby is breastfed without supplements or solids and the mother has no menstrual bleeding, breastfeeding offers 98% protection against pregnancy during the first six months.
At six months, the family of the exclusively breastfed baby will save formula costs of between $450 and $1080.
A practical advantage to you is that many babies this age can go directly to the cup without ever needing bottles.
Mothers who breastfeed past a year often talk of the emotional benefits gained: the comfort and security it gives their little ones, the ease it brings to naptimes and bedtimes, and the opportunities it offers to relax and tune in to each other during a hectic day.
At this point, you and your baby have formed a solid bond, a healthy starting point from which your baby can experiment with his growing independence. Together you can work on the weaning process, progressing gradually at a pace that he can handle.
by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC
Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, is an accredited La Leche League leader and international board-certified lactation consultant. She is the mom of three boys that each nursed more than a year. Nancy is known internationally for her expertise on breastfeeding. Her books, articles, and pamphlets are used by doctors, nurses, lactation consultants, lay breastfeeding counselors and public health workers Doctors, nurses, lactation consultants, lay breastfeeding counselors and public health workers use her books, articles, and pamphlets. The Breastfeeding Answer Book (1997), which she co-authored with Julie Stock, is a comprehensive research-based counseling guide that is also used to train lactation educators. You can see more of her articles at her website, The Art of Breastfeeding.